puts "========" puts "OCC27664" puts "========" puts "" ################################################# # Incomplete intersection curve from the attached shapes ################################################# set ExpTol 1.0e-7 set GoodNbCurv 3 set GoodLength 0.6288896355727489 restore [locate_data_file bug27664_pl0.brep] pl0 restore [locate_data_file bug27664_nsh_8.brep] nsh_8 explode nsh_8 f explode pl0 f set log [bopcurves pl0_1 nsh_8_4 -2d] regexp {Tolerance Reached=+([-0-9.+eE]+)\n+([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${log} full Toler NbCurv if {${NbCurv} != ${GoodNbCurv}} { puts "Error: Number of curves is bad!" } checkreal TolReached $Toler $ExpTol 0.0 0.1 set clen 0.0 for {set ic 1} { $ic <= ${NbCurv} } { incr ic} { set le [length c_$ic] regexp "The length c_$ic is +(\[-0-9.+eE\]+)" ${le} full ll puts "ll = $ll" set clen [expr $clen+$ll] } puts "Summary length = $clen" checkreal Length $clen $GoodLength 0.0 1.0e-5 smallview don c_* fit display pl0_1 nsh_8_4 checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}_1.png top don c_* fit display pl0_1 nsh_8_4 checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}_2.png