puts "========" puts "OCC27615" puts "========" puts "" ################################################# # General Fuse operation error ################################################# restore [locate_data_file bug27615.brep] p whatis p tolerance p checkshape p explode p brunparallel 1 bopcheck p_1 bopcheck p_2 bopargcheck p_1 p_2 -O #F bop p_1 p_2 bopcommon result whatis result explode result whatis result_1 if { [regexp "This shape seems to be OK" [bopcheck result] ] != 1 } { puts "Error : The result of General Fuse operation is self-interfered shape" } checkshape result_1 checkprops result_1 -v 15287.7 -s 8383.16 checkview -display result_1 -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png