puts "================" puts "OCC26525" puts "================" puts "" ####################################################################### # Wrong result obtained by curve / surface intersection algorithm. ####################################################################### pload QAcommands restore [locate_data_file bug26525_a.brep] b1 restore [locate_data_file bug26525_b.brep] b2 mksurface sb1 b1 trimv sb1t sb1 -30000 30000 mkface b1t sb1t explode b2 e # Case 1. The curve is from the edge b2_3 # 1.1 The face b1 is based on untrimmed surface set log [OCC26525 p b2_3 b1] regexp {([-0-9]+)} $log full Number if { $Number == 2} { set tol_abs 0.0001 set tol_rel 0.01 regexp {point p_1 +([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $log full x1 y1 z1 set expected_x1 48.4205 set expected_y1 -22.5336 set expected_z1 82.7431 checkreal "x1" ${x1} ${expected_x1} ${tol_abs} ${tol_rel} checkreal "y1" ${y1} ${expected_y1} ${tol_abs} ${tol_rel} checkreal "z1" ${z1} ${expected_z1} ${tol_abs} ${tol_rel} regexp {point p_2 +([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $log full x2 y2 z2 set expected_x2 32.5621 set expected_y2 -5.89907 set expected_z2 82.7431 checkreal "x2" ${x2} ${expected_x2} ${tol_abs} ${tol_rel} checkreal "y2" ${y2} ${expected_y2} ${tol_abs} ${tol_rel} checkreal "z2" ${z2} ${expected_z2} ${tol_abs} ${tol_rel} } else { puts "Error: Bad Number of intersection points" }