puts "========" puts "OCC26310" puts "========" puts "" ################################################# # Very slow boolean cut operations on cylinders ################################################# restore [locate_data_file OCC26310-b1.brep] b1 restore [locate_data_file OCC26310-b2.brep] b2 bop b1 b2 bopcut res1 boptuc res2 checkshape res1 checkshape res2 set log1 [bopargcheck res1 #F] set log2 [bopargcheck res2 #F] if { [string compare -nocase $log1 "Shape(s) seem(s) to be valid for BOP.\n"] } { puts "ERROR. res1 is not valid for BOP" } if { [string compare -nocase $log2 "Shape(s) seem(s) to be valid for BOP.\n"] } { puts "ERROR. res2 is not valid for BOP" } smallview donly res1 fit xwd ${imagedir}/${casename}_1.png donly res2 fit xwd ${imagedir}/${casename}_2.png