puts "============" puts "OCC26243" puts "============" puts "" ###################################################### # Boolean operations failed on shapes with fillets ###################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug26243_anc101.brep] _model tcopy _model _copy trotate _copy 155. 100.75 0 0 0 1 90 bfuse result _model _copy checkprops result -s 606195 checkshape result set nbshapes_expected " Number of shapes in shape VERTEX : 309 EDGE : 499 WIRE : 248 FACE : 209 SHELL : 1 SOLID : 1 COMPSOLID : 0 COMPOUND : 1 SHAPE : 1268 " checknbshapes result -ref ${nbshapes_expected} -t -m "Boolean operations on shapes with fillets" set 3dviewer 1