puts "========" puts "OCC25820" puts "========" puts "" ################################################################### # No Intersection Curves between surface of revolution and planes ################################################################### restore [locate_data_file OCC25820-Revolution_5.brep] b1 explode b1 f copy b1_4 b1 restore [locate_data_file OCC25820-Translation_2.brep] b2 explode b2 f copy b2_4 b2 smallview clear display b1 display b2 fit set info [bopcurves b1 b2] regexp {Tolerance Reached=([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info full bug_info_tol regexp {([0-9]+) curve\(s\) found.} $info full bug_info_cur if {$bug_info_tol > 1.0e-7} { puts "ERROR: OCC25820 is reproduced. Tolerance is to large ($bug_info_tol)." } if {$bug_info_cur != 1} { puts "ERROR: OCC25820 is reproduced. Too many curves were found." } checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png