puts "============" puts "OCC25593" puts "============" puts "" ######################################################################### # Number of intersection points for 2d curves depends on the order of arguments in command "2dintersect" ######################################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug25593_face1.brep] b pcurve b puts "Intersection 1" set info1 [2dintersect b_2 b_3 -tol 1.e-10] regexp {Intersection point 1 : +([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info1 full p1x p1y regexp {parameter on the fist: +([-0-9.+eE]+) +parameter on the second: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info1 full par1f par1s puts "Intersection 2" set info2 [2dintersect b_3 b_2 -tol 1.e-10] regexp {Intersection point 1 : +([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info2 full p2x p2y regexp {parameter on the fist: +([-0-9.+eE]+) +parameter on the second: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info2 full par2f par2s set NbIP1 1 if { [regexp "Intersection point 1" $info1] != 1 } { puts "Error : Intersection 1 should have one point" set NbIP1 0 } if { [regexp "Intersection point 2" $info1] == 1 } { puts "Error : Intersection 1 should have one point" set NbIP1 2 } puts "NbIP1=$NbIP1" set NbIP2 1 if { [regexp "Intersection point 1" $info2] != 1 } { puts "Error : Intersection 2 should have one point" set NbIP2 0 } if { [regexp "Intersection point 2" $info2] == 1 } { puts "Error : Intersection 2 should have one point" set NbIP2 2 } puts "NbIP2=$NbIP2" if { $NbIP1 != 1 || $NbIP2 != 1 } { puts "ERROR: Wrong solutions number" } else { puts "p1x=$p1x p1y=$p1y par1f=$par1f $par1s" puts "p2x=$p2x p2y=$p2y par2f=$par2f $par2s" set sqd [expr ($p1x-$p2x)*($p1x-$p2x)+($p1y-$p2y)*($p1y-$p2y)] if { $sqd > 1.0e-14 } { puts "ERROR: Intersection points are different" } else { puts "OK: Intersection points are equal" } if { (abs($par1f - $par2s) > 1.0e-9) || (abs($par1s - $par2f) > 1.0e-9) } { puts "ERROR: Parameters on intersecting curves are not coincided" } else { puts "OK: Parameters on intersecting curves are coincided" } }