puts "========" puts "OCC25413" puts "========" puts "" ############################################################# # Line-Shape intersection algorithm became 400 times slower ############################################################# pload QAcommands restore [locate_data_file bug25413.brep] w dchrono perf_h reset dchrono perf_h start OCC25413 w dchrono perf_h stop set chrono_info [dchrono perf_h show] regexp {CPU user time: ([-0-9.+eE]+) seconds} $chrono_info full CPU_time puts "Elapsed time is: $CPU_time" set currentOS $tcl_platform(os) if {[string compare $currentOS "Windows NT"] == 0} { if {[regexp {Debug mode} [dversion]]} { # initial CPU_time for WINDOWS in DEBUG mode is 90 sec puts "Checking WINDOWS performance in debug mode..." if {$CPU_time > 90.} { puts "ERROR: OCC25413 is reproduced." puts " Low performance: $CPU_time (but should be less than 90 sec)" } else { puts "Done!" } } else { puts "Checking WINDOWS performance in optimize mode..." # initial CPU_time for WINDOWS in OPTIMIZE mode is 30 sec if {$CPU_time > 30.} { puts "ERROR: OCC25413 is reproduced." puts " Low performance: $CPU_time (but should be less than 30 sec)" } else { puts "Done!" } } } if {[string compare $currentOS "Linux"] == 0} { if {[regexp {Debug mode} [dversion]]} { # initial CPU_time for LINUX in DEBUG mode is 90 sec puts "Checking LINUX performance in debug mode..." if {$CPU_time > 90.} { puts "ERROR: OCC25413 is reproduced." puts " Low performance: $CPU_time (but should be less than 90 sec)" } else { puts "Done!" } } else { puts "Checking LINUX performance in optimize mode..." # initial CPU_time for LINUX in OPTIMIZE mode is 30 sec if {$CPU_time > 30.} { puts "ERROR: OCC25413 is reproduced." puts " Low performance: $CPU_time (but should be less than 30 sec)" } else { puts "Done!" } } }