puts "=========" puts "OCC24861" puts "=========" puts "" ########################################################### # Extra solid is in the result of General Fuse Operation ########################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug24861_b1.brep] b1 restore [locate_data_file bug24861_b2.brep] b2 explode b2 bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects b1 b2_1 b2_2 b2_3 b2_4 b2_5 b2_6 b2_7 bfillds -s bbuild result -s checkprops result -s 1780.37 checkshape result checknbshapes result -vertex 18 -edge 38 -wire 32 -face 29 -shell 9 -solid 7 -compsolid 0 -compound 1 -shape 134 checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png