puts "============" puts "OCC24811" puts "============" puts "" ################################# # Intersection is insufficient ################################# set p1_1 -2.22458486160362e-016 set p1_2 1 set p1_3 0 set p2_1 0.0202691578002498 set p2_2 0.999794559518151 set p2_3 0 restore [locate_data_file bug24811_e1.brep] curve restore [locate_data_file bug24811_e2.brep] circle bop curve circle bopcut result explode result if { [llength [explode result_1]] != 4 } { puts "Error: wrong number of intersections. Should be result_1_1 result_1_2 result_1_3 result_1_4" } else { puts "OK: right number of intersections" } explode result_1_2 set info1 [dump result_1_2_1] regexp {Point 3D +: +([-0-9.+eE]+), +([-0-9.+eE]+), +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info1 full x1 y1 z1 regexp {Tolerance +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info1 full tol1 if { $p1_1 >= [expr $x1 - $tol1] && $p1_1 <= [expr $x1 + $tol1] } { puts "OK: point1_1 is correct" } else { puts "Error: point1_1 is incorrect" } if { $p1_2 >= [expr $y1 - $tol1] && $p1_2 <= [expr $y1 + $tol1] } { puts "OK: point1_2 is correct" } else { puts "Error: point1_2 is incorrect" } if { $p1_3 >= [expr $z1 - $tol1] && $p1_3 <= [expr $z1 + $tol1] } { puts "OK: point1_3 is correct" } else { puts "Error: point1_3 is incorrect" } set info2 [dump result_1_2_2] regexp {Point 3D +: +([-0-9.+eE]+), +([-0-9.+eE]+), +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info2 full x2 y2 z2 regexp {Tolerance +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info2 full tol2 if { $p2_1 >= [expr $x2 - $tol2] && $p2_1 <= [expr $x2 + $tol2] } { puts "OK: point2_1 is correct" } else { puts "Error: point2_1 is incorrect" } if { $p2_2 >= [expr $y2 - $tol2] && $p2_2 <= [expr $y2 + $tol2] } { puts "OK: point2_2 is correct" } else { puts "Error: point2_2 is incorrect" } if { $p2_3 >= [expr $z2 - $tol2] && $p2_3 <= [expr $z2 + $tol2] } { puts "OK: point2_3 is correct" } else { puts "Error: point2_3 is incorrect" } set 2dviewer 1