puts "===========" puts "OCC24484" puts "===========" puts "" ######################################################### # sprops gives incorrect matrix of inertia and moments ######################################################### set IX_ch 2.66667e+08 set IY_ch 1.33333e+08 set IZ_ch 1.33333e+08 set iner_ch1 1.33333e+08 set iner_ch2 2.66667e+08 set iner_ch3 1.33333e+08 restore [locate_data_file bug24484_Face_2.brep] result set info [sprops result] regexp {IX += +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info full IX regexp {IY += +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info full IY regexp {IZ += +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info full IZ regexp -all {Matrix of Inertia :[\t\n]*[\s\t]*([-0-9.+eE]+)[\s\t]*[-0-9.+eE]+[\s\t]*[-0-9.+eE]+[\t\n]*[\s\t]*[-0-9.+eE]+[\s\t]*([-0-9.+eE]+)[\s\t]*[-0-9.+eE]+[\t\n]*[\s\t]*[-0-9.+eE]+[\s\t]*[-0-9.+eE]+[\s\t]*([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info full iner1 iner2 iner3 if { $IX != $IX_ch || $IY != $IY_ch || $IZ != $IZ_ch } { puts "Error : Moments are incorrect" } else { puts "OK : Moments are correct" } if { $iner1 != $iner_ch1 || $iner2 != $iner_ch2 || $iner3 != $iner_ch3 } { puts "Error : Matrix of Inertia is incorrect" } else { puts "OK : Matrix of Inertia is correct" } set 2dviewer 1