puts "=========" puts "OCC24244" puts "=========" puts "" ########################################################### # Command bclear in DRAW does not clear all the data required for BOP re-initialization ########################################################### vinit View1 proc bclear_proc {} { brestore [locate_data_file bug24244_ShellExternalHull.brep] hull # box encompassing all objects box over -11 -15 -1 220 30 22 # two simplified decks box b -10 -14 10 210 28 5 explode b f renamevar b_5 deck1 renamevar b_6 deck2 # two simplified transverse bulkheads in the middle box b 50 -14 -0.5 40 28 20 explode b f renamevar b_1 bhd1 renamevar b_2 bhd2 # two simplified transverse bulkheads in the fore box b 180 -14 -0.5 10 28 20 explode b f renamevar b_1 bhd3 renamevar b_2 bhd4 # fill BOP data structures bclear baddobjects over hull deck1 deck2 bhd1 bhd2 bhd3 bhd4 bfillds bbuild result # check validity puts [checkshape result] # show compartments (solids) in shading with different colors set compartments [explode result so] set icol 0 set colors {red green blue1 magenta1 yellow cyan1 brown} foreach s [lrange $compartments 1 end] { vdisplay $s vsetcolor $s [lindex $colors [expr [incr icol] % [llength $colors]]] vsetdispmode $s 1 vsetmaterial $s plastic } # show all elements in wireframe vdisplay result vsetdispmode result 0 vfit } bclear_proc bclear_proc set only_screen 1