puts "============" puts "OCC23906" puts "============" puts "" ############################### ## Performance of the projection algorithm in some cases became lower after integration of the fix for the bug 0022610 ############################### restore [locate_data_file bug23906_f.brep] f point p 3.5527136788005e-015 100 100 dchrono h reset dchrono h start projponf f p -min -t dchrono h stop set q2 [dchrono h show] regexp {CPU user time: ([-0-9.+eE]+) seconds} $q2 full z puts "$z" if { [string compare $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"] == 0 } { puts "OS = Windows NT" set max_time 0.5 } else { puts "OS = Linux" set max_time 0.1 } if { $z > ${max_time} } { puts "Elapsed time is more than ${max_time} seconds - Faulty" } else { puts "Elapsed time is less than ${max_time} seconds - OK" }