puts "============" puts "BUC60877" puts "OCC80" puts "============" puts "" ########################################################## ## The command "section" in Draw gives exception "attempt to access to null objec " ########################################################## restore [locate_data_file BUC60877_lh.brep] sh checkshape sh plane pl 820 198 140 -1e-06 0 1 mkface f pl -1000 500 -300 100 if [catch {bsection result sh f } catch_result] { puts "Faulty BUC60877: function SECTION works wrongly" } else { puts "BUC60877 OK: function SECTION works properly" } checkprops result -l 1358.63 checkshape result checksection result checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png