puts "TODO OCC29653 All:exception" puts "TODO OCC29653 All:\\*\\* Exception \\*\\*" puts "TODO OCC29653 All:TEST INCOMPLETE" puts "============" puts "OCC22646" puts "============" puts "" ###################################################### # Error in algorithms BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections and BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell: # sections with degenerated edges are processed in ###################################################### set BugNumber OCC22646 restore [locate_data_file bug22646_source.brep] s1 restore [locate_data_file bug22646_scale_translate_xyz.brep] s2 restore [locate_data_file bug22646_scale_translate_yz.brep] s3 restore [locate_data_file bug22646_scale_translate_z.brep] s4 vinit explode s1 explode s2 explode s3 explode s4 vfit donly s1_1 s2_1 thrusections res2 0 0 s1_1 s2_1 donly s1_1 s3_1 thrusections res3 0 0 s1_1 s3_1 donly s1_1 s4_1 thrusections res4 0 0 s1_1 s4_1 checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png