puts "========================" puts " OCC600" puts "========================" ## Result of BOPCOMMON operation is unclosed shape inspite of source solids are valid ############################################################ cpulimit 5000 restore [locate_data_file OCC600_1.brep] a checkshape a restore [locate_data_file OCC600_2.brep] b checkshape b bop b a bopcommon result set square 41970.8 set nbshapes_expected " Number of shapes in shape VERTEX : 55 EDGE : 93 WIRE : 40 FACE : 40 SHELL : 1 SOLID : 1 COMPSOLID : 0 COMPOUND : 1 SHAPE : 231 " checknbshapes result -ref ${nbshapes_expected} -t -m "Result of Boolean operations" checkprops result -s 41970.8 checkshape result checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png