pload QAcommands #INTERFACE IGES puts "========================" puts " OCC435 " puts " OCC405 " puts "========================" puts "" ############################################################### ## Exception Standard_ConstructuionError is rased in DRAW in the ## GeomConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurve on the attached shapes during command merge ############################################################### restore [locate_data_file OCC435a.brep] a explode a set j 1 repeat 8 { explode a_$j if { [catch {OCC405 result a_${j}_1 a_${j}_2} catch_result] } { puts "Faulty OCC435 : merge operation was made incorrect" } else { puts " OCC435 OK: merge operation was made properly" } incr j } checkprops result -l 17.2848 checkshape result checksection result checkview -display result -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png