if { [array get env os_type] != "" } { set os $env(os_type) } if { [string compare $os "windows"] != 0 } { puts "TODO ?OCC12345 ALL: Faulty shapes in variables faulty_1 to faulty_2" puts "TODO ?OCC12345 ALL: Faulty OCC399: Command checkshape works wrongly: Source shape is invalid but this shape must be OK" ### by apn master 16.12.2012 ### puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Error : The square of result shape is" } puts "========" puts "OCC399" puts "========" puts "" ######################################### ## Checkshape gives wrong result for valid face ######################################### restore [locate_data_file OCC399.brep] result set che [checkshape result] if { [regexp {Faulty} $che ] == 1 } { puts "Faulty OCC399: Command checkshape works wrongly: Source shape is invalid but this shape must be OK" } else { puts "OCC399 OK : Source shape is valid. Command checkshape works properly." } set square 4558.53 set 2dviewer 0