puts "================" puts "OCC356" puts "================" puts "" ####################################################### ## The Draw command "wexplo" gives one edge instead of 6 for the face. ####################################################### restore [locate_data_file OCC356.brep] result checkshape result explode result w wexplo result_1 result set nom 0 set j 1 repeat 10 { set err "" regexp { is a shape ([A-Z]+)} [whatis WEDGE_$j] full err if { $err != "EDGE"} { break } else { set nom [expr $nom + 1] } incr j } if { $nom != 6} { puts "Faulty OCC356 : Command WEXPLO works WRONGLY" } else { puts "OCC356 OK : Command WEXPLO works properly" } checkprops result -s 6207.83 checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png