puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Faulty OCC264_2: here is shading problem" puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Error : The square of result shape is" puts "========" puts "OCC264" puts " (case 2)" puts "========" restore [locate_data_file OCC264_02.brep] result checkshape result tclean result vinit vdisplay result vclear isos result 0 triangles result smallview fit set tri_info [trinfo result] regexp { +([-0-9.+eE]+) +triangles} $tri_info full tri regexp { +([-0-9.+eE]+) +nodes} $tri_info full nod if { $tri != 10 && $nod != 12 } { puts "Faulty OCC264_2: here is shading problem" } else { puts "Shading of OCC264_2 is OK" } set square 0 set 3dviewer 0