puts "================" puts "OCC23162" puts "================" puts "" ############################################################################## # BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell works wrong ############################################################################## set BugNumber OCC23162 catch {pload XDE} set status 0 set radius 0.001 puts "------------- Radius $radius" # make a ring quarter vertex v1 [expr $radius / 2] 0 0 vertex v2 $radius 0 0 edge e v1 v2 revol rq e 0 0 0 0 0 1 45 # make rq scaled and translated scaleshape rq2 rq 0.2 ttranslate rq2 0 0 $radius # get wires of rq explode rq W explode rq2 W # make a spine vertex v1 0 0 0 vertex v2 0 0 $radius edge e v1 v2 wire spine e # make a pipe mksweep spine addsweep rq_1 v1 addsweep rq2_1 v2 buildsweep result # BUG: a pipe is invalid checkshape result -short checkprops result -s 1.45725e-06 checkview -display result -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png