puts "============" puts "OCC22771" puts "============" puts "" ####################################################################### # An extra vertex produced in result of Boolean section for the cases of closed intersection curves. ####################################################################### set BugNumber OCC22771 puts "Load first shape ..." restore [locate_data_file bug22771_Box_1.brep] b1 puts "Load second shape ..." restore [locate_data_file bug22771_Cylinder_1.brep] b2 puts "Prepare boolean operation ..." explode b1 f copy b1_5 b1 copy b2_1 b2 bop b1 b2 puts "Start boolean operation ..." bopsection result puts "Finish boolean operation ..." set length 314.159 set nb_v_good 1 set nb_e_good 1 set nb_w_good 0 set nb_f_good 0 set nb_sh_good 0 set nb_sol_good 0 set nb_compsol_good 0 set nb_compound_good 1 set nb_shape_good 3 set 3dviewer 1