puts "================" puts "OCC22196" puts "================" puts "" ####################################################################################### # Problem with putting texture on the bottle.brep shape ###################################################################################### box b 1 2 3 vdisplay b vfit vsetdispmode 1 explode b f vdisplay b_2 vtexture b_2 [locate_data_file OCC23385-carrelage1.gif] vtexrepeat b_2 3 2 set scale 236.95268872530238 set proj_X 0.92521193709866123 set proj_Y -0.1940727987718808 set proj_Z -0.32606536189388785 set up_X 0.2658610208502189 set up_Y -0.28157324388568683 set up_Z 0.92197311561681172 set at_X 0.58906967866866666 set at_Y 0.98487348454501 set at_Z 1.4950272490152485 set eye_X 3.7940978443168705 set eye_Y 0.31258558886503313 set eye_Z 0.36550370223815498 vviewparams -scale ${scale} -eye ${eye_X} ${eye_Y} ${eye_Z} -proj ${proj_X} ${proj_Y} ${proj_Z} -up ${up_X} ${up_Y} ${up_Z} -at ${at_X} ${at_Y} ${at_Z} checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png