pload QAcommands puts "============" puts "OCC21909" puts "============" puts "" ####################################################################### # The surface is visualized with rendering errors ####################################################################### set BugNumber OCC21909 # Data set scale 57.547428234801195 set center_X -29.161882474505589 set center_Y -27.085456554411167 set proj_X -0.25567048788070679 set proj_Y -0.92769843339920044 set proj_Z 0.27204453945159912 set up_X 0.43156850337982178 set up_Y 0.14228194952011108 set up_Z 0.89078855514526367 set at_X 53.189125061035156 set at_Y -25.674787521362305 set at_Z -2.9377093315124512 set x1 190 set y1 216 set y2 228 # restore [locate_data_file OCC21909-render_error.brep] result vinit vdisplay result vfit vsetdispmode 1 vfit vviewparams ${scale} ${center_X} ${center_Y} \ ${proj_X} ${proj_Y} ${proj_Z} \ ${up_X} ${up_Y} ${up_Z} \ ${at_X} ${at_Y} ${at_Z} vmoveto ${x1} ${y1} vmoveto ${x1} ${y1} set status 0 for {set i ${y1} } {$i <= ${y2} } {incr i} { set Color1 [QAGetPixelColor ${x1} ${i}] set R1 [lindex ${Color1} 2] set G1 [lindex ${Color1} 5] set B1 [lindex ${Color1} 8] puts "x = ${x1} y = ${i} R = ${R1} G = ${G1} B = ${B1}" if { ${R1} == 0 && ${G1} == 0 && ${B1} == 0 } { incr status puts "Error : rendering x = ${x1} y = ${i}" } } if { ${status} != 0 } { puts "Faulty ${BugNumber}" } else { puts "OK ${BugNumber}" } set 3dviewer 0