puts "TODO OCC11111 ALL: Error : The area of result shape is" pload QAcommands puts "============" puts "OCC21415" puts "============" puts "" ####################################################################### # Bad triangulation of cylindrical face with large vertex tolerances ####################################################################### set BugNumber OCC21415 # Data set scale 19.469810863701095 set proj_X 0.99999862909317017 set proj_Y 0.0012245246907696128 set proj_Z -0.0011169711360707879 set up_X 0.00037844621692784131 set up_Y 0.48741284012794495 set up_Z 0.87317168712615967 set at_X 290.970210143045 set at_Y -0.0594423932820831 set at_Z -1.29683163874688 # Start restore [locate_data_file OCC21415-face_bad_meshed.brep] result vinit vdisplay result vfit vsetdispmode 1 vfit vviewparams -scale ${scale} -proj ${proj_X} ${proj_Y} ${proj_Z} -up ${up_X} ${up_Y} ${up_Z} -at ${at_X} ${at_Y} ${at_Z} puts "TEMPORARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" checkprops result -s 400000 checkshape result puts "TEMPORARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # Analysis of "nbshapes res" checknbshapes result -vertex 1 -edge 2 -wire 1 -face 1 -shell 0 -solid 0 -compsolid 0 -compound 0 -shape 5 checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png