puts "TODO OCC25919 ALL: Error: Offset is not done." puts "TODO OCC25919 ALL: Faulty OCC165" puts "TODO OCC25919 ALL: Error : The length of result shape is" cpulimit 600 puts "========" puts "OCC165" puts "========" puts "Bug regression in BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset class (offsetting in OY direction)" dchrono h reset dchrono h start restore [locate_data_file offset_wire_019.brep] a checkshape a mkplane f a checkshape f set start_stepoffset -5.7 set incr_stepoffset 0.1 set finish_stepoffset -2.8 set interval_numb [expr int ( ($finish_stepoffset - $start_stepoffset) / $incr_stepoffset ) + 1] set IsMade 0 set IsBeginMade 0 set IsGood 1 set i 0 set resume_string "" for {set stepoffset $start_stepoffset} {$stepoffset <= $finish_stepoffset} {set stepoffset [expr $stepoffset + $incr_stepoffset]} { incr i puts "i = $i" if { [catch {mkoffset result f 1 $stepoffset } catch_result] } { puts "Faulty OCC165 (stepoffset = $stepoffset) : function MKOFFSET works wrongly" set IsGood 0 set IsMade 0 } else { puts "OK OCC165 (stepoffset = $stepoffset)" set IsMade 1 } if {$IsBeginMade == 0 && $IsMade == 1} { set IsBeginMade 1 set BeginStepOffset $stepoffset } if {$IsMade == 1} { set FinishStepOffset $stepoffset } dchrono h show if {$IsBeginMade == 1 && ($IsMade == 0 || $i == $interval_numb) } { set IsBeginMade 0 set resume_tmp "from [format "%0.2f" $BeginStepOffset] till [format "%0.2f" $FinishStepOffset]\n" set resume_string "${resume_string}${resume_tmp}" } } puts "" if {[string length $resume_string] == 0} { puts "Offset is created wrongly on initial shape in following borders" puts "from [format "%0.2f" $start_stepoffset] till [format "%0.2f" $finish_stepoffset]" } else { puts "Offset is created correctly on initial shape in following borders" puts "$resume_string" } if {$IsGood == 1} { puts "OCC165 OK" } else { puts "Faulty OCC165" } dchrono h stop dchrono h show renamevar result_1 result checkprops result -l 0 checkshape result checksection result set 2dviewer 0