#INTERFACE IGES puts "==========" puts "BUC60533" puts "==========" restore [locate_data_file buc60533a.brep] part puts [checkshape part] #puts "Tolerance part" #computetolerance part restore [locate_data_file buc60533b.brep] trTool puts [checkshape trTool] #puts "Tolerance trTool" #computetolerance trTool # create halfspace vertex v 10000 15000 -15000 halfspace hs trTool 10000 15000 -15000 #puts "Tolerance hs" #computetolerance hs #************************************************* if [catch {bcut result part hs} catch_result] { puts "Faulty BUC60533: function CUT works wrongly" } else { puts " BUC60533 OK: function CUT works properly" } #************************************************* #set che [checkshape res r] #set err [lindex $che [expr [llength $che] - 1]] #if { $err != "OK"} { # puts "Faulty : mistakes are found in checked shape by checkshape command" #} else { # puts "Checking by checkshape - OK" #explode res e #mkcurve cu1 res_1 #mkcurve cu2 res_2 #mkcurve cu3 res_3 #mkcurve cu4 res_4 #mkcurve cu5 res_5 #checkshape res #set tolerance [ maxtolerance res ] #set MaxFaceTolerance [ lindex $tolerance 14 ] #set MaxEdgeTolerance [ lindex $tolerance 20 ] #set MaxVertexTolerance [ lindex $tolerance 26 ] #if { $MaxFaceTolerance > 1 || $MaxEdgeTolerance > 1 || $MaxVertexTolerance > 1 } { #puts "Faulty :Tolerance of shape is more then 1.0" #} else { #puts "Tolerance of shape is less then 1.0" #} #} # Objectif : Couper part par trTool # # part est construite a partir d'un semi de point et de telle facon que u=x et v=y. # On obtient une Geom_BSplineSurface. On cree alors la topologie a partir de cette # surface via BRepAPI::MakeFace(surface) # Dans notre code, a aucun moment, nous # n'initialisons la tolerance. # # Le cut n'est pas effectue car une exception est levee : # An exception was caught Standard_ConstructionError: # ** Exception ** Standard_ConstructionError: set square 1.63191e+07 set 2dviewer 0