puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Faulty : TEST FAILED" puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Error : The length of result shape is" puts "============" puts "PRO19653" puts "BREPALGO_BOOLEANOPERATION does not return result." puts "==================================" puts "It takes visual check for this BUG" puts "==================================" restore [locate_data_file pro19653a.brep] a puts [checkshape a] restore [locate_data_file pro19653b.brep] b puts [checkshape b] bsection result a b explode result e checkshape result_1 explode a e regexp {Mass +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [lprops result_1] full ll_1 regexp {Mass +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [lprops a_4] full ll_2 if { $ll_1 != $ll_2 } { puts "Faulty : TEST FAILED" } else { puts "PRO19653 OK : BREPALGO_BOOLEANOPERATION returns result" } set length 0 set 2dviewer 0