puts "================" puts "BUC61037" puts "OCC108" puts "================" puts "" ##################################################################### ## BRepTools::AddUVBounds for the planar face bounded by a circle returns too small bounding box. ##################################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug61037.brep] sh1 puts [checkshape sh1] set rr [bounding sh1] regexp { *([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $rr full v1_x v1_y v1_z v2_x v2_y v2_z vertex v1 $v1_x $v1_y $v1_z vertex v2 $v2_x $v2_y $v2_z edge result v1 v2 regexp {Mass +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [lprops result] full dis if { [expr $dis < 0.201357] } { puts "Faulty BUC61037: Planar circle and bounded face a returns too small bounding box" } else { puts "OCC134 OK: bounding box is correct" } set length 0.201357 set 2dviewer 0