puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Faulty : result should be a shell, but not a compound of faces" puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Error : The square of result shape is" puts "========" puts "BUC60787" puts "BUC60783" puts "========" #restore Common_Shell_Case2.brep S1 #restore Common_Solid_Case2.brep S2 restore [locate_data_file buc60787a.brep] S1 checkshape S1 restore [locate_data_file buc60787b.brep] S2 checkshape S1 bcommon result S1 S2 set nb_info [nbshapes result] regexp {COMPOUND +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $nb_info full err regexp {SHELL +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $nb_info full err1 if { $err != 0 || $err1 != 1} { puts "Faulty : result should be a shell, but not a compound of faces" } else { puts "BUC60787 - OK" } set square 0 set 2dviewer 0