puts "============" puts "CR25378" puts "============" puts "" ################################################################################### # Building of triangulation for distored surfaces can take very long using BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh ################################################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug25378_Blower_bad.brep] b trinfo b tclean b set t_001 [expr [lindex [time {incmesh b 0.001 -min 1}] 0]/1000000] puts "t_001=${t_001}" trinfo b if { [regexp {Debug mode} [dversion]] } { set max_t_001 30 } else { if { [regexp {Windows} [dversion]] } { set max_t_001 10 } else { set max_t_001 15 } } set tol_percent 0.05 checktime ${t_001} ${max_t_001} ${tol_percent} "3. Time of building of triangulation "