puts "============" puts "CR25142" puts "============" puts "" ################################################################################### # Visualization breaks triangulation on shared solids in composite solid model ################################################################################### # make two adjacent boxes share their common face box b1 20 10 10 box b2 10 10 10 bclear baddobjects b1 b2 bfillds bbuild r explode r # do all possible checks of validity tolerance r checkshape r bopargcheck r #F bopargcheck r_1 r_2 -F #F # mesh one-by-one incmesh r_1 0.1 tricheck r_1 # note it will be Ok if we use the same deflection here, and bad otherwise... incmesh r_2 0.1 tricheck r_2 # now check again mesh on r_1 tricheck r_1 # now vdisplay solids separately causing their automatic re-mesh tclean r vinit View1 vsetdispmode 1 vdisplay r_1 vdisplay r_2 tricheck r_1 vfit checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png