puts "TODO OCC24938 ALL: Error: shape contains 0 triangles" puts "TODO OCC24938 ALL: Error: shape contains 0 nodes" puts "==========" puts "OCC24938" puts "==========" puts "" ######################################## # BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh hangs ######################################## # to prevent loops limit to 5 minutes cpulimit 300 restore [locate_data_file bug24938_27773.brep] result tclean result incmesh result 1.5 -relative set trinfo_s [trinfo result] regexp {([0-9]+) triangles} ${trinfo_s} str nbtri_s regexp {([0-9]+) nodes} ${trinfo_s} str nbnod_s if { ${nbtri_s} == 0 } { puts "Error: shape contains 0 triangles" } else { puts "OK: shape contains ${nbtri_s} triangles" } if { ${nbnod_s} == 0 } { puts "Error: shape contains 0 nodes" } else { puts "OK: shape contains ${nbnod_s} nodes" } vinit vsetdispmode 1 vdisplay result vfit set only_screen 1