puts "TODO OCC24938 ALL: Meshing statuses: Failure ReMesh" puts "TODO OCC24938 ALL: Error: Number of triangles is equal to 0" puts "TODO OCC24938 ALL: Error: Number of nodes is equal to 0" #puts "TODO OCC24938 ALL: Error : area by triangles differs from the actual area by" puts "==========" puts "OCC24938" puts "==========" puts "" ######################################## # BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh hangs ######################################## # to prevent loops limit to 5 minutes cpulimit 300 restore [locate_data_file bug24938_27773.brep] result tclean result incmesh result 1.5 -relative checktrinfo result -tri -nod vinit vsetdispmode 1 vdisplay result vfit checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png