puts "================" puts "CR23614" puts "================" puts "" ##################################################################### # BRepMesh creates incorrect triangulation on the attached models ##################################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug23614_face2.brep] f2 tclean f2 incmesh f2 0.01 set info [trinfo f2] regexp {([0-9]+) triangles} $info full tri regexp {([0-9]+) nodes} $info full nod # compare number of triangles if { $tri == 0 } { puts "Error: face contains $tri triangles" } else { puts "OK: face contains $tri triangles" } # compare number of nodes if { $nod == 0 } { puts "Error : face contains $nod nodes" } else { puts "OK: face contains $nod nodes" } top fit triangles f2 set only_screen_axo 1