puts "Testing intensive raising exceptions in parallel threads" puts "0028217: E r r o r handling is not thread safe and causing memory corruption and sporadic crashes" # this test will fail on vc10-13 and gcc less than 4.8 set dver [dversion] if { ( [regexp {Compiler: MS Visual C[+][+] ([0-9]+)} $dver res ver] && $ver < 14 ) || ( [regexp {Compiler: GCC ([0-9]+[.][0-9]+)} $dver res ver] && $ver < 4.8 ) } { puts "TODO OCC28217 ALL: TEST INCOMPLETE" puts "TODO OCC28217 Windows: An exception was caught" puts "TODO OCC28217 Windows: \\*\\* Exception \\*\\*.*" puts "TODO ?OCC28217 Linux: An exception was caught" puts "TODO ?OCC28217 Linux: \\*\\* Exception \\*\\*.*" puts "TODO ?OCC28217 Linux: \\*\\*\\* Abort" puts "TODO ?OCC28217 Linux: ... The exception is" } pload QAcommands OCC28217