puts "============" puts "OCC26922" puts "============" puts "" ############################### ## Huge performance issue writing data to the output stream ############################### pload XDE if { [regexp {Debug mode} [dversion]] } { if { [regexp {Windows} [dversion]] } { set max_time 0.5 } else { set max_time 0.5 } } else { if { [regexp {Windows} [dversion]] } { set max_time 0.5 } else { set max_time 0.5 } } psphere result 50. incmesh result 0.01 trinfo result set time_info [time {writevrml result ${imagedir}/bug26922.wrl 2 2}] regexp {([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${time_info} full time_performance set time_performance [expr {${time_performance} / 1e6}] puts "Performance data writing into the file is ${time_performance} seconds" if { ${time_performance} > ${max_time} } { puts "Elapsed time of data writing into the file is more than ${max_time} seconds - Faulty" } else { puts "Elapsed time of data writing into the file is less than ${max_time} seconds - OK" }