-- File: TCollection_DataMap.cdl -- Created: Fri Jan 8 12:16:17 1993 -- Author: Remi LEQUETTE -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 generic class DataMap from TCollection (TheKey as any; TheItem as any; Hasher as any) -- as MapHasher(TheKey) inherits BasicMap from TCollection ---Purpose: The DataMap is a Map to store keys with associated -- Items.An entry of a DataMap is composed of both the key and the item. -- The DataMap can be seen as an extended array where -- the Keys are the indices. For this reason the -- operator () is defined on DataMap to fetch an Item -- from a Key. So the following syntax can be used : -- -- anItem = aMap(aKey); -- aMap(aKey) = anItem; -- -- This analogy has its limit. aMap(aKey) = anItem -- can be done only if aKey was previously bound to -- an item in the map. -- DataMap is a generic class which depends on three parameters: -- - Key is the type of key for an entry in the map, -- - Item is the type of element associated with a key in the map, -- - Hasher is the type of hasher on keys. -- Use a DataMapIterator iterator to explore a DataMap map. -- Notes: -- - An iterator class is automatically instantiated from the -- TCollection_DataMapIterator generic class at the -- time of instantiation of a DataMap map. -- - TCollection_MapHasher class describes the -- functions required for a Hasher object. raises DomainError from Standard, NoSuchObject from Standard class DataMapNode from TCollection inherits MapNode from TCollection uses MapNodePtr from TCollection is Create(K : TheKey; I : TheItem; n : MapNodePtr from TCollection) returns DataMapNode from TCollection; --- Purpose: Constructs a DataMap with NbBuckets (defaulted to 1) buckets. -- Note that the map will be automatically redimensioned -- during its use if the number of entries becomes too large. -- Use: -- - the function Bind to add an entry (key, item) in the map, -- - operator() to read an item from a key, or to assign a -- new value to this item, -- - the function UnBind to remove an entry (key, item) from the map, -- - and a map iterator to explore the map. ---C++: inline Key(me) returns TheKey; ---C++: return & ---C++: inline Value(me) returns TheItem; ---C++: return & ---C++: inline fields myKey : TheKey; myValue : TheItem; end; class DataMapIterator inherits BasicMapIterator from TCollection ---Purpose: Functions used for iterating the contents of a DataMap -- Note: an iterator class is automatically instantiated from -- this generic class at the time of instantiation of a DataMap. -- Warning -- - A map is a non-ordered data structure. The order in -- which entries of a map are explored by the iterator -- depends on its contents, and change when the map is edited. -- - It is not recommended to modify the contents of a map -- during iteration: the result is unpredictable. raises NoSuchObject from Standard is Create returns DataMapIterator from TCollection; ---Purpose: Creates an undefined Iterator (empty); use the function Initialize to define the map to explore. Create (aMap : DataMap from TCollection) returns DataMapIterator from TCollection; ---Purpose: Creates an Iterator on the map . Initialize(me : in out; aMap : DataMap from TCollection) ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Sets, or resets the Iterator in the map . is static; Key(me) returns any TheKey ---Purpose: Returns the current Key. An error is raised if -- the iterator is empty (More returns False). -- Note: Key is the type of key for an entry in the explored DataMap map. -- Exceptions -- Standard_NoSuchObject if this iterator is empty (i.e. -- when the function More returns false). ---C++: return const & raises NoSuchObject from Standard is static; Value(me) returns any TheItem ---Purpose: Returns the item of the current entry in the map for this iterator. -- Note: Item is the type of element bound to a key in the explored DataMap map. -- Exceptions -- Standard_NoSuchObject if this iterator is empty (i.e. -- when the function More returns false) ---C++: return const & raises NoSuchObject from Standard is static; end DataMapIterator from TCollection; is Create(NbBuckets : Integer = 1) returns DataMap from TCollection; ---Purpose: Creates a DataMap with buckets. Without -- arguments the map is automatically dimensioned. Create(Other : DataMap from TCollection) returns DataMap from TCollection ---Purpose: As copying Map is an expensive operation it is -- incorrect to do it implicitly. This constructor is private and -- will raise an error if the Map is not empty. -- To copy the content of a DataMap use the Assign method (operator =). raises DomainError from Standard is private; Assign(me : in out; Other : DataMap from TCollection) returns DataMap from TCollection ---Purpose: Copies the contents of the map Other into this map. -- Note that this method is an alias of operator =. ---C++: alias operator = ---C++: return & is static; ReSize(me : in out; NbBuckets : Integer) ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Changes the number of buckets of to be -- . The keys already stored in the map are kept. is static; Clear(me : in out) ---Purpose: Removes all keys in the map. ---C++: alias ~ is static; Bind(me : in out; K : TheKey; I : TheItem) returns Boolean ---Purpose: Adds the Key to the Map with the Item -- . Returns True if the Key was not already in -- the Map. If the Key was already in the Map the -- Item in the Map is replaced. is static; IsBound(me; K : TheKey) returns Boolean ---Purpose: Returns True if the key is stored in the map . is static; UnBind(me : in out; K : TheKey) returns Boolean ---Purpose: Removes the Key from the map. Returns True if -- the Key was in the Map. -- Returns false if the key K was not in this map. is static; Find(me; K : TheKey) returns any TheItem ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the Item stored with the Key in the Map. -- Trigger: An exception is raised when is not in the map. raises NoSuchObject from Standard ---C++: alias operator() ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeFind(me : in out; K : TheKey) returns any TheItem ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the Item stored with the Key in the -- Map. This Item can be modified with the syntax -- aMap(K) = newItem; -- Trigger: An exception is raised when is not in the map. ---C++: alias operator() ---C++: return & raises NoSuchObject from Standard is static; end DataMap;