// This file has been automatically generated from resource file src/Shaders/PBRFresnel.glsl static const char Shaders_PBRFresnel_glsl[] = "//! Functions to calculate fresnel coefficient and approximate zero fresnel value.\n" "vec3 occPBRFresnel (in vec3 theBaseColor,\n" " in float theMetallic,\n" " in float theIOR)\n" "{\n" " theIOR = (1.0 - theIOR) / (1.0 + theIOR);\n" " theIOR *= theIOR;\n" " vec3 f0 = vec3(theIOR);\n" " f0 = mix (f0, theBaseColor.rgb, theMetallic);\n" " return f0;\n" "}\n" "\n" "vec3 occPBRFresnel (in vec3 theBaseColor,\n" " in float theMetallic,\n" " in float theIOR,\n" " in float theCosVH)\n" "{\n" " vec3 f0 = occPBRFresnel (theBaseColor, theMetallic, theIOR);\n" " theCosVH = 1.0 - theCosVH;\n" " theCosVH *= theCosVH;\n" " theCosVH *= theCosVH * theCosVH * theCosVH * theCosVH;\n" " return f0 + (vec3 (1.0) - f0) * theCosVH;\n" "}\n" "\n" "vec3 occPBRFresnel (in vec3 theBaseColor,\n" " in float theMetallic,\n" " in float theRoughness,\n" " in float theIOR,\n" " in float theCosV)\n" "{\n" " vec3 f0 = occPBRFresnel (theBaseColor, theMetallic, theIOR);\n" " theCosV = 1.0 - theCosV;\n" " theCosV *= theCosV;\n" " theCosV *= theCosV * theCosV * theCosV * theCosV;\n" " return f0 + (max(vec3(1.0 - theRoughness), f0) - f0) * theCosV;\n" "}\n";