// This file has been automatically generated from resource file src/Shaders/DeclarationsImpl.glsl static const char Shaders_DeclarationsImpl_glsl[] = "// Created on: 2013-10-10\n" "// Created by: Denis BOGOLEPOV\n" "// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS\n" "//\n" "// This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.\n" "//\n" "// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\n" "// the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published\n" "// by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file\n" "// OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT\n" "// distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.\n" "//\n" "// Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE\n" "// commercial license or contractual agreement.\n" "\n" "// This file includes implementation of common functions and properties accessors\n" "\n" "#if defined(FRAGMENT_SHADER)\n" "//! Output color (and coverage for accumulation by OIT algorithm).\n" "void occSetFragColor (in vec4 theColor)\n" "{\n" "#if defined(OCC_ALPHA_TEST)\n" " if (theColor.a < occAlphaCutoff) discard;\n" "#endif\n" "#if defined(OCC_WRITE_WEIGHT_OIT_COVERAGE)\n" " float aWeight = theColor.a * clamp (1e+2 * pow (1.0 - gl_FragCoord.z * occOitDepthFactor, 3.0), 1e-2, 1e+2);\n" " occFragCoverage.r = theColor.a * aWeight;\n" " occFragColor = vec4 (theColor.rgb * theColor.a * aWeight, theColor.a);\n" "#else\n" " occFragColor = theColor;\n" "#endif\n" "}\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#if defined(THE_MAX_LIGHTS) && (THE_MAX_LIGHTS > 0)\n" "// arrays of light sources\n" "uniform THE_PREC_ENUM ivec2 occLightSourcesTypes[THE_MAX_LIGHTS]; //!< packed light sources types\n" "uniform vec4 occLightSources[THE_MAX_LIGHTS * 4]; //!< packed light sources parameters\n" "\n" "// light source properties accessors\n" "int occLight_Type (in int theId) { return occLightSourcesTypes[theId].x; }\n" "int occLight_IsHeadlight (in int theId) { return occLightSourcesTypes[theId].y; }\n" "vec4 occLight_Diffuse (in int theId) { return occLightSources[theId * 4 + 0]; }\n" "vec4 occLight_Specular (in int theId) { return occLightSources[theId * 4 + 0]; }\n" "vec4 occLight_Position (in int theId) { return occLightSources[theId * 4 + 1]; }\n" "vec4 occLight_SpotDirection (in int theId) { return occLightSources[theId * 4 + 2]; }\n" "float occLight_ConstAttenuation (in int theId) { return occLightSources[theId * 4 + 3].x; }\n" "float occLight_LinearAttenuation (in int theId) { return occLightSources[theId * 4 + 3].y; }\n" "float occLight_SpotCutOff (in int theId) { return occLightSources[theId * 4 + 3].z; }\n" "float occLight_SpotExponent (in int theId) { return occLightSources[theId * 4 + 3].w; }\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "// material state\n" "uniform vec4 occFrontMaterial[5];\n" "uniform vec4 occBackMaterial[5];\n" "\n" "// front material properties accessors\n" "vec4 occFrontMaterial_Ambient(void) { return occFrontMaterial[0]; }\n" "vec4 occFrontMaterial_Diffuse(void) { return occFrontMaterial[1]; }\n" "vec4 occFrontMaterial_Specular(void) { return occFrontMaterial[2]; }\n" "vec4 occFrontMaterial_Emission(void) { return occFrontMaterial[3]; }\n" "float occFrontMaterial_Shininess(void) { return occFrontMaterial[4].x; }\n" "float occFrontMaterial_Transparency(void) { return occFrontMaterial[4].y; }\n" "\n" "// back material properties accessors\n" "vec4 occBackMaterial_Ambient(void) { return occBackMaterial[0]; }\n" "vec4 occBackMaterial_Diffuse(void) { return occBackMaterial[1]; }\n" "vec4 occBackMaterial_Specular(void) { return occBackMaterial[2]; }\n" "vec4 occBackMaterial_Emission(void) { return occBackMaterial[3]; }\n" "float occBackMaterial_Shininess(void) { return occBackMaterial[4].x; }\n" "float occBackMaterial_Transparency(void) { return occBackMaterial[4].y; }\n" "\n" "// 2D texture coordinates transformation\n" "vec2 occTextureTrsf_Translation(void) { return occTexTrsf2d[0].xy; }\n" "vec2 occTextureTrsf_Scale(void) { return occTexTrsf2d[0].zw; }\n" "float occTextureTrsf_RotationSin(void) { return occTexTrsf2d[1].x; }\n" "float occTextureTrsf_RotationCos(void) { return occTexTrsf2d[1].y; }\n";