#ifdef ADAPTIVE_SAMPLING #extension GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store : require //! OpenGL image used for accumulating rendering result. volatile restrict layout(size1x32) uniform image2D uRenderImage; //! OpenGL image storing variance of sampled pixels blocks. volatile restrict layout(size1x32) uniform iimage2D uVarianceImage; #else // ADAPTIVE_SAMPLING //! Input image. uniform sampler2D uInputTexture; //! Ray tracing depth image. uniform sampler2D uDepthTexture; #endif // ADAPTIVE_SAMPLING //! Number of accumulated frames. uniform int uAccumFrames; //! Is debug mode enabled for importance screen sampling. uniform int uDebugAdaptive; //! Output pixel color. out vec4 OutColor; //! RGB weight factors to calculate luminance. #define LUMA vec3 (0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f) //! Scale factor used to quantize visual error. #define SCALE_FACTOR 1.0e6f // ======================================================================= // function : main // purpose : // ======================================================================= void main (void) { #ifndef ADAPTIVE_SAMPLING vec4 aColor = texelFetch (uInputTexture, ivec2 (gl_FragCoord.xy), 0); #ifdef PATH_TRACING float aDepth = aColor.w; // path tracing uses averaged depth #else float aDepth = texelFetch (uDepthTexture, ivec2 (gl_FragCoord.xy), 0).r; #endif gl_FragDepth = aDepth; #else // ADAPTIVE_SAMPLING ivec2 aPixel = ivec2 (gl_FragCoord.xy); vec4 aColor = vec4 (0.0); // fetch accumulated color and total number of samples aColor.x = imageLoad (uRenderImage, ivec2 (3 * aPixel.x + 0, 2 * aPixel.y + 0)).x; aColor.y = imageLoad (uRenderImage, ivec2 (3 * aPixel.x + 1, 2 * aPixel.y + 0)).x; aColor.z = imageLoad (uRenderImage, ivec2 (3 * aPixel.x + 1, 2 * aPixel.y + 1)).x; aColor.w = imageLoad (uRenderImage, ivec2 (3 * aPixel.x + 0, 2 * aPixel.y + 1)).x; // calculate normalization factor float aSampleWeight = 1.f / max (1.0, aColor.w); // calculate averaged depth value gl_FragDepth = imageLoad (uRenderImage, ivec2 (3 * aPixel.x + 2, 2 * aPixel.y + 1)).x * aSampleWeight; // calculate averaged radiance for all samples and even samples only float aHalfRad = imageLoad (uRenderImage, ivec2 (3 * aPixel.x + 2, 2 * aPixel.y + 0)).x * aSampleWeight * 2.f; float aAverRad = dot (aColor.rgb, LUMA) * aSampleWeight; // apply our 'tone mapping' operator (gamma correction and clamping) aHalfRad = min (1.f, sqrt (aHalfRad)); aAverRad = min (1.f, sqrt (aAverRad)); // calculate visual error float anError = (aAverRad - aHalfRad) * (aAverRad - aHalfRad); // accumulate visual error to current block imageAtomicAdd (uVarianceImage, ivec2 (aPixel / vec2 (BLOCK_SIZE)), int (anError * SCALE_FACTOR)); if (uDebugAdaptive == 0) // normal rendering { aColor = vec4 (aColor.rgb * aSampleWeight, 1.0); } else // showing number of samples { aColor = vec4 (0.5f * aColor.rgb * aSampleWeight + vec3 (0.f, aColor.w / uAccumFrames * 0.35f, 0.f), 1.0); } #endif // ADAPTIVE_SAMPLING #ifdef PATH_TRACING // apply gamma correction (we use gamma = 2) OutColor = vec4 (sqrt (aColor.rgb), 0.f); #else // not PATH_TRACING OutColor = aColor; #endif }