#define GER61454 /*GG 14-09-99 Activates the model clipping planes // GG 110800 UNDER LINUX and MESA 3.2, nothing can be done until // gl context is open first. */ #ifdef DEBUG #include #endif #include #include int EXPORT call_togl_inquireplane () { GLint maxplanes = 0; if( GET_GL_CONTEXT() ) { #ifdef GER61454 glGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES, &maxplanes); maxplanes -= 2; /* NOTE the 2 first planes are reserved for ZClipping */ if( maxplanes < 0 ) maxplanes = 0; call_facilities_list.MaxPlanes = maxplanes; #endif } #ifdef DEBUG printf(" @@@ call_togl_inquireplane. GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES is %d\n",maxplanes); #endif return maxplanes; }