// File: OpenGl_FrameBuffer.cxx // Author: Kirill GAVRILOV // Copyright: OPEN CASCADE 2011 #include #ifdef DEB #include #endif static inline bool isOddNumber (const GLsizei theNumber) { return theNumber & 0x01; } static inline GLsizei getEvenNumber (const GLsizei theNumber) { return isOddNumber (theNumber) ? (theNumber + 1) : theNumber; } //! Notice - 0 is not power of two here static inline bool isPowerOfTwo (const GLsizei theNumber) { return !(theNumber & (theNumber - 1)); } static inline GLsizei getPowerOfTwo (const GLsizei theNumber, const GLsizei theThreshold) { for (GLsizei p2 = 2; p2 <= theThreshold; p2 <<= 1) { if (theNumber <= p2) { return p2; } } return theThreshold; } OpenGl_FrameBuffer::OpenGl_FrameBuffer (GLint theTextureFormat) : mySizeX (0), mySizeY (0), myVPSizeX (0), myVPSizeY (0), myTextFormat (theTextureFormat), myGlTextureId (NO_TEXTURE), myGlFBufferId (NO_FRAMEBUFFER), myGlDepthRBId (NO_RENDERBUFFER) { // } Standard_Boolean OpenGl_FrameBuffer::Init (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext, GLsizei theViewportSizeX, GLsizei theViewportSizeY, GLboolean toForcePowerOfTwo) { if (theGlContext->extFBO == NULL) { #ifdef DEB std::cerr << "OpenGl_FrameBuffer, FBO extension not supported!\n"; #endif return Standard_False; } // clean up previous state Release (theGlContext); // upscale width/height if numbers are odd if (toForcePowerOfTwo) { GLint aMaxTexDim = 2048; glGetIntegerv (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &aMaxTexDim); mySizeX = getPowerOfTwo (theViewportSizeX, aMaxTexDim); mySizeY = getPowerOfTwo (theViewportSizeY, aMaxTexDim); } else { mySizeX = getEvenNumber (theViewportSizeX); mySizeY = getEvenNumber (theViewportSizeY); } // setup viewport sizes as is myVPSizeX = theViewportSizeX; myVPSizeY = theViewportSizeY; // Create the texture (will be used as color buffer) if (!InitTrashTexture (theGlContext)) { if (!isPowerOfTwo (mySizeX) || !isPowerOfTwo (mySizeY)) { return Init (theGlContext, theViewportSizeX, theViewportSizeY, GL_TRUE); } Release (theGlContext); return Standard_False; } // Create RenderBuffer (will be used as depth buffer) theGlContext->extFBO->glGenRenderbuffersEXT (1, &myGlDepthRBId); theGlContext->extFBO->glBindRenderbufferEXT (GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, myGlDepthRBId); theGlContext->extFBO->glRenderbufferStorageEXT (GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, mySizeX, mySizeY); // Build FBO and setup it as texture theGlContext->extFBO->glGenFramebuffersEXT (1, &myGlFBufferId); theGlContext->extFBO->glBindFramebufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, myGlFBufferId); glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, myGlTextureId); theGlContext->extFBO->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, myGlTextureId, 0); theGlContext->extFBO->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, myGlFBufferId); if (theGlContext->extFBO->glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT) != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) { if (!isPowerOfTwo (mySizeX) || !isPowerOfTwo (mySizeY)) { return Init (theGlContext, theViewportSizeX, theViewportSizeY, GL_TRUE); } Release (theGlContext); return Standard_False; } UnbindBuffer (theGlContext); UnbindTexture(); theGlContext->extFBO->glBindRenderbufferEXT (GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, NO_RENDERBUFFER); #ifdef DEB std::cerr << "OpenGl_FrameBuffer, created FBO " << mySizeX << "x" << mySizeY << " for viewport " << theViewportSizeX << "x" << theViewportSizeY << "\n"; #endif return Standard_True; } void OpenGl_FrameBuffer::Release (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext) { if (IsValidDepthBuffer()) { if (!theGlContext.IsNull() && theGlContext->extFBO != NULL) { theGlContext->extFBO->glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT (1, &myGlDepthRBId); myGlDepthRBId = NO_RENDERBUFFER; } else { std::cerr << "OpenGl_FrameBuffer::Release() called with invalid OpenGl_Context!\n"; } } if (IsValidTexture()) { glDeleteTextures (1, &myGlTextureId); myGlTextureId = NO_TEXTURE; } mySizeX = mySizeY = myVPSizeX = myVPSizeY = 0; if (IsValidFrameBuffer()) { if (!theGlContext.IsNull() && theGlContext->extFBO != NULL) { theGlContext->extFBO->glDeleteFramebuffersEXT (1, &myGlFBufferId); myGlFBufferId = NO_FRAMEBUFFER; } else { std::cerr << "OpenGl_FrameBuffer::Release() called with invalid OpenGl_Context!\n"; } } } Standard_Boolean OpenGl_FrameBuffer::IsProxySuccess() const { // use proxy to check texture could be created or not glTexImage2D (GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D, 0, // LOD number: 0 - base image level; n is the nth mipmap reduction image myTextFormat, // internalformat mySizeX, mySizeY, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); GLint aTestParamX (0), aTestParamY (0); glGetTexLevelParameteriv (GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &aTestParamX); glGetTexLevelParameteriv (GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &aTestParamY); return aTestParamX != 0 && aTestParamY != 0; } Standard_Boolean OpenGl_FrameBuffer::InitTrashTexture (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext) { // Check texture size is fit dimension maximum GLint aMaxTexDim = 2048; glGetIntegerv (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &aMaxTexDim); if (mySizeX > aMaxTexDim || mySizeY > aMaxTexDim) { return Standard_False; } // generate new id glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); if (!IsValidTexture()) { glGenTextures (1, &myGlTextureId); // Create The Texture } glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, myGlTextureId); // texture interpolation parameters - could be overridden later glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); if (!IsProxySuccess()) { Release (theGlContext); return Standard_False; } glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, // LOD number: 0 - base image level; n is the nth mipmap reduction image myTextFormat, // internalformat mySizeX, mySizeY, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); // NULL pointer supported from OpenGL 1.1 return Standard_True; }