/* * modified 27/08/97 ; PCT : ajout texture mapping * modified 08/04/98 ; FGU : ajout parametres d emission (CALL_DEF_MATERIAL) * modified 30/11/98 ; FMN : ajout parametres pour les textes visibles * modified 24/01/00 ; EUG : G003 add DegenerationMode flag and SkipRatio value in * CALL_DEF_STRUCTURE. * modified 22/03/04 ; SAN : OCC4895 High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets * */ #ifndef InterfaceGraphic_Graphic3dHeader #define InterfaceGraphic_Graphic3dHeader #include #define G003 /*EUG 26-01-00 Degeneration management */ #define OCC1174 /*SAV 08/01/03 CONTEXTFILLAREA extended with back face interior color*/ #define OCC2934 /* SAN 22/01/04 Texture mapped fonts on WNT */ #ifdef THIS #undef THIS #endif /* Copyright (C) 1991,1992,1993 by MATRA DATAVISION, FRANCE This software is furnished in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other copy thereof may not be provided or otherwise be made available to any other person. No title to an ownership of the software is hereby transferred. At the termination of the contract, the software and all copies of this software must be deleted. Facility : CAS-CADE V1 */ #define CALL_DEF_STRUCTHIGHLIGHTED 1 #define CALL_DEF_STRUCTPICKABLE 2 #define CALL_DEF_STRUCTVISIBLE 3 #define CALL_DEF_STRUCTNOHIGHLIGHTED 11 #define CALL_DEF_STRUCTNOPICKABLE 12 #define CALL_DEF_STRUCTNOVISIBLE 13 /* LISTE D'ENTIERS */ typedef struct { int NbIntegers; int *Integers; } CALL_DEF_LISTINTEGERS; /* LISTE DE REELS */ typedef struct { int NbReals; float *Reals; } CALL_DEF_LISTREALS; /* COULEUR */ typedef struct { float r, g, b; } CALL_DEF_COLOR; /* ARETE */ typedef struct { int Index1, Index2; int Type; } CALL_DEF_EDGE; /* LISTE D'ARETES */ typedef struct { int NbEdges; CALL_DEF_EDGE *Edges; } CALL_DEF_LISTEDGES; /* NORMALE */ typedef struct { float dx, dy, dz; } CALL_DEF_NORMAL; /* TEXTURE COORD */ typedef struct { float tx, ty; } CALL_DEF_TEXTURE_COORD; /* POINT */ typedef struct { float x, y, z; } CALL_DEF_POINT; /* POINTC */ typedef struct { CALL_DEF_POINT Point; CALL_DEF_COLOR Color; } CALL_DEF_POINTC; /* POINTN */ typedef struct { CALL_DEF_POINT Point; CALL_DEF_NORMAL Normal; } CALL_DEF_POINTN; /* POINTNT */ typedef struct { CALL_DEF_POINT Point; CALL_DEF_NORMAL Normal; CALL_DEF_TEXTURE_COORD TextureCoord; } CALL_DEF_POINTNT; /* POINTNC */ typedef struct { CALL_DEF_POINT Point; CALL_DEF_NORMAL Normal; CALL_DEF_COLOR Color; } CALL_DEF_POINTNC; /* BOITE ENGLOBANTE */ typedef struct { CALL_DEF_COLOR Color; CALL_DEF_POINT Pmin; CALL_DEF_POINT Pmax; } CALL_DEF_BOUNDBOX; /* LISTE DE POINTS */ typedef union { CALL_DEF_POINT *Points; CALL_DEF_POINTN *PointsN; CALL_DEF_POINTC *PointsC; CALL_DEF_POINTNC *PointsNC; CALL_DEF_POINTNT *PointsNT; } CALL_DEF_UPOINTS; /* LISTE DE POINTS */ typedef struct { int NbPoints; int TypePoints; CALL_DEF_UPOINTS UPoints; } CALL_DEF_LISTPOINTS; /* MARKER */ typedef struct { float x, y, z; } CALL_DEF_MARKER; /* LISTE DE MARKERS */ typedef struct { int NbMarkers; CALL_DEF_MARKER *Markers; } CALL_DEF_LISTMARKERS; /* TEXTE */ typedef struct { unsigned short *string; CALL_DEF_POINT Position; float Height; float Angle; int Path; int HAlign; int VAlign; bool Zoomable; } CALL_DEF_TEXT; /* FACETTE */ typedef struct { int NormalIsDefined; CALL_DEF_NORMAL Normal; int ColorIsDefined; CALL_DEF_COLOR Color; int TypeFacet; int NbPoints; int TypePoints; CALL_DEF_UPOINTS UPoints; } CALL_DEF_FACET; /* LISTE DE FACETTES */ typedef struct { int NbFacets; CALL_DEF_FACET *LFacets; } CALL_DEF_LISTFACETS; /* QUADRILATERE */ typedef struct { int NbPoints; int TypePoints; int SizeRow; int SizeCol; CALL_DEF_UPOINTS UPoints; } CALL_DEF_QUAD; /* TRIANGLE */ typedef struct { int NbPoints; int TypePoints; CALL_DEF_UPOINTS UPoints; } CALL_DEF_TRIKE; /* PICK IDENTIFICATEUR */ typedef struct { int IsDef; int IsSet; int Value; } CALL_DEF_PICKID; /* CONTEXTE LIGNE */ typedef struct { int IsDef; int IsSet; CALL_DEF_COLOR Color; int LineType; float Width; } CALL_DEF_CONTEXTLINE; /* MATERIAL */ typedef struct { float Ambient; int IsAmbient; float Diffuse; int IsDiffuse; float Specular; int IsSpecular; float Emission; int IsEmission; float Transparency; float Shininess; float EnvReflexion; int IsPhysic; /* Attribut couleur eclairage */ CALL_DEF_COLOR ColorAmb, ColorDif, ColorSpec, ColorEms, Color; } CALL_DEF_MATERIAL; /* TEXTURE */ typedef struct { int doModulate; int doRepeat; int Mode; int doLinear; float sx, sy; float tx, ty; float angle; float sparams[4]; float tparams[4]; } CALL_DEF_INIT_TEXTURE; typedef struct { int TexId; int doTextureMap; } CALL_DEF_TEXTURE; /* CONTEXTE POLYGONE */ typedef struct { int IsDef; int IsSet; int Style; CALL_DEF_COLOR IntColor; #ifdef OCC1174 CALL_DEF_COLOR BackIntColor; #endif CALL_DEF_COLOR EdgeColor; int LineType; float Width; int Hatch; int Distinguish; int BackFace; int Edge; CALL_DEF_MATERIAL Front; CALL_DEF_MATERIAL Back; CALL_DEF_TEXTURE Texture; #ifdef G003 int DegenerationMode; float SkipRatio; #endif /* OCC4895 SAN 22/03/04 High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets */ int PolygonOffsetMode; float PolygonOffsetFactor; float PolygonOffsetUnits; /* OCC4895 SAN 22/03/04 High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets */ } CALL_DEF_CONTEXTFILLAREA; /* CONTEXTE MARKER */ typedef struct { int IsDef; int IsSet; CALL_DEF_COLOR Color; int MarkerType; float Scale; } CALL_DEF_CONTEXTMARKER; /* CONTEXTE TEXT */ typedef struct { int IsDef; int IsSet; char* Font; float Space; float Expan; CALL_DEF_COLOR Color; int Style; int DisplayType; CALL_DEF_COLOR ColorSubTitle; int TextZoomable; float TextAngle; int TextFontAspect; } CALL_DEF_CONTEXTTEXT; /* Transform persistence struct */ typedef struct { int IsSet; int IsDef; int Flag; CALL_DEF_POINT Point; } CALL_DEF_TRANSFORM_PERSISTENCE; /* STRUCTURE */ typedef struct { int Id; void *ptrStructure; int Priority; int PreviousPriority; int GroupBegin; int GroupEnd; CALL_DEF_CONTEXTLINE ContextLine; CALL_DEF_CONTEXTFILLAREA ContextFillArea; CALL_DEF_CONTEXTMARKER ContextMarker; CALL_DEF_CONTEXTTEXT ContextText; CALL_DEF_BOUNDBOX BoundBox; float Transformation[4][4]; int Composition; int ContainsFacet; unsigned IsDeleted :1; unsigned IsOpen :1; unsigned IsInfinite :1; unsigned stick :1; unsigned highlight :1; unsigned visible :1; unsigned pick :1; unsigned HLRValidation :1; /* ABD 29/10/04 Transform Persistence of Presentation( pan, zoom, rotate ) */ /*int TransformPersistenceFlag; CALL_DEF_POINT TransformPersistencePoint; */ CALL_DEF_TRANSFORM_PERSISTENCE TransformPersistence; /* ABD 29/10/04 Transform Persistence of Presentation( pan, zoom, rotate ) */ } CALL_DEF_STRUCTURE; /* GROUPE */ typedef struct { int LabelBegin; int LabelEnd; void *ptrGroup; int StructureEnd; CALL_DEF_CONTEXTLINE ContextLine; CALL_DEF_CONTEXTFILLAREA ContextFillArea; CALL_DEF_CONTEXTMARKER ContextMarker; CALL_DEF_CONTEXTTEXT ContextText; CALL_DEF_STRUCTURE *Struct; CALL_DEF_PICKID PickId; unsigned IsDeleted :1; unsigned IsOpen :1; /*int TransformPersistenceFlag;*/ } CALL_DEF_GROUP; /* BOUNDING BOX */ typedef struct { float XMin; float YMin; float ZMin; float XMax; float YMax; float ZMax; } CALL_DEF_BOUNDS; /* USERDRAW DATA */ typedef struct { void *Data; CALL_DEF_BOUNDS *Bounds; } CALL_DEF_USERDRAW; #endif /* InterfaceGraphic_Graphic3dHeader */