// Created by: CKY / Contract Toubro-Larsen // Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS // // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. // // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE // commercial license or contractual agreement. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include IGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDef::IGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDef () { } void IGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDef::ReadOwnParams (const Handle(IGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDef)& ent, const Handle(IGESData_IGESReaderData)& IR, IGESData_ParamReader& PR) const { //Standard_Boolean st; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 not needed Standard_Integer tempDepth, tempNbEntities1, tempTypeFlag, tempNbEntities2; Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) tempName, tempDesignator; Handle(IGESGraph_TextDisplayTemplate) tempTemplate; Handle(IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity) tempEntities; Handle(IGESDraw_HArray1OfConnectPoint) tempPointEntities; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed PR.ReadInteger(PR.Current(), "Depth Of Subfigure", tempDepth); PR.ReadText(PR.Current(), "Subfigure Name", tempName); //st = PR.ReadInteger(PR.Current(), "Number Of Child Entities", tempNbEntities1); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 moved in if if (PR.ReadInteger(PR.Current(), "Number Of Child Entities", tempNbEntities1)) { // Initialize HArray1 only if there is no error reading its Length if (tempNbEntities1 < 0) PR.AddFail("Number Of Child Entities : Not Positive"); else if (tempNbEntities1 > 0) PR.ReadEnts(IR,PR.CurrentList(tempNbEntities1),"Child Entities",tempEntities); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed // tempEntities = new IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity (1,tempNbEntities1); } // Read the HArray1 only if its Length was read without any Error /* if (! tempEntities.IsNull()) { Handle(IGESData_IGESEntity) tempEntity1; Standard_Integer I; for (I = 1; I <= tempNbEntities1; I++) { st = PR.ReadEntity(IR, PR.Current(), "Associated Entity", tempEntity1); if (st) tempEntities->SetValue(I, tempEntity1); } } */ PR.ReadInteger(PR.Current(), "Type Flag", tempTypeFlag); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed if (PR.DefinedElseSkip()) PR.ReadText(PR.Current(), "Primary Reference Designator", tempDesignator); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed else PR.AddWarning("Primary Reference Designator : Null"); Standard_Boolean st = PR.ReadEntity(IR, PR.Current(), "Primary Reference Designator", STANDARD_TYPE(IGESGraph_TextDisplayTemplate), tempTemplate, Standard_True); if (PR.DefinedElseSkip()) st = PR.ReadInteger(PR.Current(), "Number Of Connect Points", tempNbEntities2); else tempNbEntities2 = 0; if (st) { // Initialise HArray1 only if there is no error reading its Length if (tempNbEntities2 < 0) PR.AddFail("Number Of Connect Points : Less Than Zero"); else if (tempNbEntities2 > 0) tempPointEntities = new IGESDraw_HArray1OfConnectPoint (1, tempNbEntities2); } // Read the HArray1 only if its Length was read without any Error if (! tempPointEntities.IsNull()) { Handle(IGESDraw_ConnectPoint) tempConnectPoint; Standard_Integer I; for (I = 1; I <= tempNbEntities2; I++) { //st = PR.ReadEntity(IR, PR.Current(),"Associated Connect Point Entity", //STANDARD_TYPE(IGESDraw_ConnectPoint), tempConnectPoint, //Standard_True); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 moved in if if (PR.ReadEntity(IR, PR.Current(),"Associated Connect Point Entity", STANDARD_TYPE(IGESDraw_ConnectPoint), tempConnectPoint, Standard_True)) tempPointEntities->SetValue(I, tempConnectPoint); } } DirChecker(ent).CheckTypeAndForm(PR.CCheck(),ent); ent->Init (tempDepth, tempName, tempEntities, tempTypeFlag, tempDesignator, tempTemplate, tempPointEntities); } void IGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDef::WriteOwnParams (const Handle(IGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDef)& ent, IGESData_IGESWriter& IW) const { Standard_Integer up = ent->NbEntities(); IW.Send(ent->Depth()); IW.Send(ent->Name()); IW.Send(up); Standard_Integer I; for (I = 1; I <= up; I++) IW.Send(ent->Entity(I)); IW.Send(ent->TypeFlag()); IW.Send(ent->Designator()); IW.Send(ent->DesignatorTemplate()); up = ent->NbPointEntities(); IW.Send(up); for (I = 1; I <= up; I++) IW.Send(ent->PointEntity(I)); } void IGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDef::OwnShared (const Handle(IGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDef)& ent, Interface_EntityIterator& iter) const { Standard_Integer I; Standard_Integer up = ent->NbEntities(); for (I = 1; I <= up; I++) iter.GetOneItem(ent->Entity(I)); up = ent->NbPointEntities(); for (I = 1; I <= up; I++) iter.GetOneItem(ent->PointEntity(I)); } void IGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDef::OwnCopy (const Handle(IGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDef)& another, const Handle(IGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDef)& ent, Interface_CopyTool& TC) const { Standard_Integer tempDepth = another->Depth(); Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) tempName = new TCollection_HAsciiString(another->Name()); Handle(IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity) tempEntities; Standard_Integer up = another->NbEntities(); if (up > 0) tempEntities = new IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity (1,up); Standard_Integer I; for (I = 1; I <= up; I++) { DeclareAndCast(IGESData_IGESEntity, tempEntity, TC.Transferred(another->Entity(I))); tempEntities->SetValue(I, tempEntity); } Standard_Integer tempTypeFlag = another->TypeFlag(); Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) tempDesignator; if (!another->Designator().IsNull()) tempDesignator = new TCollection_HAsciiString(another->Designator()); up = another->NbPointEntities(); Handle(IGESDraw_HArray1OfConnectPoint) tempPointEntities; if (up > 0) tempPointEntities = new IGESDraw_HArray1OfConnectPoint (1,up); for (I = 1; I <= up; I++) { if (another->HasPointEntity(I)) { DeclareAndCast(IGESDraw_ConnectPoint, tempPointEntity, TC.Transferred(another->PointEntity(I))); tempPointEntities->SetValue(I, tempPointEntity); } } if (another->HasDesignatorTemplate()) { DeclareAndCast(IGESGraph_TextDisplayTemplate, tempDesignatorTemplate, TC.Transferred(another->DesignatorTemplate())); ent->Init(tempDepth, tempName, tempEntities, tempTypeFlag, tempDesignator, tempDesignatorTemplate, tempPointEntities); } else { Handle(IGESGraph_TextDisplayTemplate) tempDesignatorTemplate; ent->Init(tempDepth, tempName, tempEntities, tempTypeFlag, tempDesignator, tempDesignatorTemplate, tempPointEntities); } } IGESData_DirChecker IGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDef::DirChecker (const Handle(IGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDef)& /*ent*/) const { IGESData_DirChecker DC(320, 0); DC.Structure(IGESData_DefVoid); DC.LineFont(IGESData_DefAny); DC.LineWeight(IGESData_DefValue); DC.BlankStatusIgnored(); DC.UseFlagRequired(2); DC.GraphicsIgnored(1); return DC; } void IGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDef::OwnCheck (const Handle(IGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDef)& ent, const Interface_ShareTool& , Handle(Interface_Check)& ach) const { if ((ent->TypeFlag() < 0) || (ent->TypeFlag() > 2)) ach->AddFail("TypeFlag has Invalid value"); if (ent->Designator().IsNull()) ach->AddFail("Primary Reference Designator : not defined"); } void IGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDef::OwnDump (const Handle(IGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDef)& ent, const IGESData_IGESDumper& dumper, const Handle(Message_Messenger)& S, const Standard_Integer level) const { Standard_Integer tempSubLevel = (level <= 4) ? 0 : 1; S << "IGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDef" << endl; S << "Depth Of Subfigure(Nesting) : " << ent->Depth() << endl; S << "Name Of Subfigure : "; IGESData_DumpString(S,ent->Name()); S << endl << "Associated Entities : "; IGESData_DumpEntities(S,dumper ,level,1, ent->NbEntities(),ent->Entity); S << endl << "Type Flag : " << ent->TypeFlag() << endl; S << "Primary Reference Designator : "; IGESData_DumpString(S,ent->Designator()); S << endl << "Text Display Template Entity : "; dumper.Dump(ent->DesignatorTemplate(),S, tempSubLevel); S << endl << "Connect Point Entities : "; IGESData_DumpEntities(S,dumper ,level,1, ent->NbPointEntities(),ent->PointEntity); S << endl; }