// Created on: 1995-10-26 // Created by: Laurent BOURESCHE // Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Matra Datavision // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS // // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. // // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE // commercial license or contractual agreement. // Modified by skv - Fri Jun 18 12:52:54 2004 OCC6129 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DRAW // Pour le dessin. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static Standard_Boolean dodraw = 0; static Standard_Real drawfac = 0.1; #endif #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG Standard_IMPORT void Law_draw1dcurve(const TColStd_Array1OfReal& pol, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& knots, const TColStd_Array1OfInteger& mults, const Standard_Integer deg, const gp_Vec2d& tra, const Standard_Real scal); Standard_IMPORT void Law_draw1dcurve(const Handle(Law_BSpline)& bs, const gp_Vec2d& tra, const Standard_Real scal); // Pour les mesures. #include static OSD_Chronometer totclock, parclock, appclock, cstclock; #endif static Standard_Integer inqadd(const Standard_Real d1, const Standard_Real d2, Standard_Real* k, Standard_Integer* m, const Standard_Integer deg, const Standard_Real tolk) { Standard_Integer nbadd = 0; m[0] = m[1] = deg - 2; if (d1 != 1. && d2 != 1.){ if(Abs(d1+d2-1.) < tolk) { k[0] = 0.5 * (d1 + 1. - d2); nbadd = 1; } else{ nbadd = 2; k[0] = Min(d1,1. - d2); k[1] = Max(d1,1. - d2); } } else if (d1 != 1.) { k[0] = d1; nbadd = 1; } else if (d2 != 1.) { k[0] = d2; nbadd = 1; } return nbadd; } static Handle(Law_Linear) mklin(const Handle(Law_Function)& func) { Handle(Law_Linear) fu = Handle(Law_Linear)::DownCast(func); if(fu.IsNull()) { fu = new Law_Linear(); Standard_Real d,f; func->Bounds(d,f); fu->Set(d,func->Value(d),f,func->Value(f)); } return fu; } static void sortbounds(const Standard_Integer nb, Handle(GeomFill_Boundary)* bound, Standard_Boolean* rev, GeomFill_CornerState* stat) { // trier les bords (facon bourinos), // flaguer ceux a renverser, // flaguer les baillements au coins. Standard_Integer i,j; Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) temp; rev[0] = 0; gp_Pnt pf,pl; gp_Pnt qf,ql; for (i = 0; i < nb-1; i++){ if(!rev[i]) bound[i]->Points(pf,pl); else bound[i]->Points(pl,pf); for (j = i+1; j <= nb-1; j++){ bound[j]->Points(qf,ql); // Modified by skv - Fri Jun 18 12:52:54 2004 OCC6129 Begin Standard_Real df = qf.Distance(pl); Standard_Real dl = ql.Distance(pl); if (dfPoints(pf,pl); else bound[nb-1]->Points(pl,pf); bound[0]->Points(qf,ql); stat[0].Gap(pl.Distance(qf)); // flaguer les angles entre tangentes au coins et entre les normales au // coins pour les bords contraints. gp_Pnt pbid; gp_Vec tgi, nori, tgn, norn; Standard_Real fi, fn, li, ln; for (i = 0; i < nb; i++){ Standard_Integer next = (i+1)%nb; if(!rev[i]) bound[i]->Bounds(fi,li); else bound[i]->Bounds(li,fi); bound[i]->D1(li,pbid,tgi); if(rev[i]) tgi.Reverse(); if(!rev[next]) bound[next]->Bounds(fn,ln); else bound[next]->Bounds(ln,fn); bound[next]->D1(fn,pbid,tgn); if(rev[next]) tgn.Reverse(); Standard_Real ang = M_PI - tgi.Angle(tgn); stat[next].TgtAng(ang); if(bound[i]->HasNormals() && bound[next]->HasNormals()){ stat[next].Constraint(); nori = bound[i]->Norm(li); norn = bound[next]->Norm(fn); ang = nori.Angle(norn); stat[next].NorAng(ang); } } } static void coonscnd(const Standard_Integer nb, Handle(GeomFill_Boundary)* bound, Standard_Boolean* rev, GeomFill_CornerState* stat, // Handle(GeomFill_TgtField)* tga, Handle(GeomFill_TgtField)* , Standard_Real* mintg) { Standard_Real fact_normalization = 100.; Standard_Integer i; // Pour chaque coin contraint, on controle les bounds adjascents. for(i = 0; i < nb; i++){ if(stat[i].HasConstraint()){ Standard_Integer ip = (i-1+nb)%nb; Standard_Real tolang = Min(bound[ip]->Tolang(),bound[i]->Tolang()); Standard_Real an = stat[i].NorAng(); Standard_Boolean twist = Standard_False; if(an >= 0.5*M_PI) { twist = Standard_True; an = M_PI-an; } if(an > tolang) stat[i].DoKill(0.); else{ Standard_Real fact = 0.5*27./4; tolang *= (Min(mintg[ip],mintg[i])*fact*fact_normalization); gp_Vec tgp, dnorp, tgi, dnori, vbid; gp_Pnt pbid; Standard_Real fp,lp,fi,li; if(!rev[ip]) bound[ip]->Bounds(fp,lp); else bound[ip]->Bounds(lp,fp); bound[ip]->D1(lp,pbid,tgp); bound[ip]->D1Norm(lp,vbid,dnorp); if(!rev[i]) bound[i]->Bounds(fi,li); else bound[i]->Bounds(li,fi); bound[i]->D1(fi,pbid,tgi); bound[i]->D1Norm(fi,vbid,dnori); Standard_Real scal1 = tgp.Dot(dnori); Standard_Real scal2 = tgi.Dot(dnorp); if(!twist) scal2 *= -1.; scal1 = Abs(scal1+scal2); if(scal1 > tolang) { Standard_Real killfactor = tolang/scal1; stat[i].DoKill(killfactor); #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG cout<<"pb coons cnd coin : "<Bound(I); } //======================================================================= //function : Surface //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::Surface() const { return surf; } //======================================================================= //function : Build //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::Build() { for (Standard_Integer count = 0; count < 2; count++){ ibound[0] = count; ibound[1] = count+2; ctr[0] = ctr[1] = nbd3 = 0; Standard_Integer ii ; for ( ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++){ if (ptch->Bound(ibound[ii])->HasNormals()) { ctr[ii] = 2; } else if (!ptch->Bound(ibound[ii])->IsDegenerated()){ ctr[ii] = 1; } nbd3 += ctr[ii]; } #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG appclock.Start(); #endif if(nbd3) PerformApprox(); #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG appclock.Stop(); #endif } appdone = Standard_True; #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG cstclock.Start(); #endif MatchKnots(); PerformS0(); PerformS1(); PerformSurface(); #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG cstclock.Stop(); totclock.Stop(); Standard_Real tottime, apptime, partime, csttime; totclock.Show(tottime); parclock.Show(partime); appclock.Show(apptime); cstclock.Show(csttime); cout<<"temp total : "<SetValue((++i3d),ptch->Bound(ibound[ii])->Tol3d());} if(ctr[ii] == 2){ tol3d->SetValue(++i3d,0.5* mig[ibound[ii]] * ptch->Bound(ibound[ii])->Tolang()); } } Standard_Real f,l; ptch->Bound(ibound[0])->Bounds(f,l); GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling_Eval ev (*this); AdvApprox_ApproxAFunction app(0, 0, nbd3, tol1d, tol2d, tol3d, f, l, GeomAbs_C1, degmax, segmax, ev); if (app.IsDone() || app.HasResult()){ Standard_Integer imk = Min(ibound[0],ibound[1]); Standard_Integer nbpol = app.NbPoles(); degree[imk] = app.Degree(); mults[imk] = app.Multiplicities(); knots[imk] = app.Knots(); i3d = 0; for(ii = 0; ii <= 1; ii++){ curvpol[ibound[ii]] = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,nbpol); TColgp_Array1OfPnt& cp = curvpol[ibound[ii]]->ChangeArray1(); if (ctr[ii]){ app.Poles(++i3d,cp); } else{ gp_Pnt ppp = ptch->Bound(ibound[ii])->Value(0.5*(f+l)); for(Standard_Integer ij = 1; ij <= nbpol; ij++){ cp(ij) = ppp; } } if(ctr[ii] == 2){ tgtepol[ibound[ii]] = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,nbpol); app.Poles(++i3d,tgtepol[ibound[ii]]->ChangeArray1()); } } } } //======================================================================= //function : MatchKnots //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::MatchKnots() { // on n insere rien si les domaines valent 1. Standard_Integer i, j, l; Standard_Integer ind[4]; nm[0] = mults[0]; nm[1] = mults[1]; nk[0] = knots[0]; nk[1] = knots[1]; ind[0] = nk[1]->Length(); ind[2] = 1; ind[1] = 1; ind[3] = nk[0]->Length(); ncpol[0] = curvpol[0]; ncpol[1] = curvpol[1]; ncpol[2] = curvpol[2]; ncpol[3] = curvpol[3]; ntpol[0] = tgtepol[0]; ntpol[1] = tgtepol[1]; ntpol[2] = tgtepol[2]; ntpol[3] = tgtepol[3]; Standard_Real kadd[2]; Standard_Integer madd[2]; Standard_Real tolk = 1./Max(10,2*knots[1]->Array1().Length()); Standard_Integer nbadd = inqadd(dom[0],dom[2],kadd,madd,degree[1],tolk); if(nbadd){ TColStd_Array1OfReal addk(kadd[0],1,nbadd); TColStd_Array1OfInteger addm(madd[0],1,nbadd); Standard_Integer nbnp, nbnk; if(BSplCLib::PrepareInsertKnots(degree[1],0, knots[1]->Array1(), mults[1]->Array1(), addk,&addm,nbnp,nbnk,tolk,0)){ nm[1] = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,nbnk); nk[1] = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal(1,nbnk); ncpol[1] = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,nbnp); ncpol[3] = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,nbnp); BSplCLib::InsertKnots(degree[1],0, curvpol[1]->Array1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), knots[1]->Array1(),mults[1]->Array1(), addk,&addm, ncpol[1]->ChangeArray1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), nk[1]->ChangeArray1(),nm[1]->ChangeArray1(), tolk,0); BSplCLib::InsertKnots(degree[1],0, curvpol[3]->Array1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), knots[1]->Array1(),mults[1]->Array1(), addk,&addm, ncpol[3]->ChangeArray1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), nk[1]->ChangeArray1(),nm[1]->ChangeArray1(), tolk,0); if(!tgtepol[1].IsNull()){ ntpol[1] = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,nbnp); BSplCLib::InsertKnots(degree[1],0, tgtepol[1]->Array1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), knots[1]->Array1(),mults[1]->Array1(), addk,&addm, ntpol[1]->ChangeArray1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), nk[1]->ChangeArray1(),nm[1]->ChangeArray1(), tolk,0); } if(!tgtepol[3].IsNull()){ ntpol[3] = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,nbnp); BSplCLib::InsertKnots(degree[1],0, tgtepol[3]->Array1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), knots[1]->Array1(),mults[1]->Array1(), addk,&addm, ntpol[3]->ChangeArray1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), nk[1]->ChangeArray1(),nm[1]->ChangeArray1(), tolk,0); } } if(dom[0] != 1.) { for(i = 2; i <= nbnk; i++){ if(Abs(dom[0]-nm[1]->Value(i)) < tolk){ ind[0] = i; break; } } } if(dom[2] != 1.) { for(i = 1; i < nbnk; i++){ if(Abs(1.-dom[2]-nm[1]->Value(i)) < tolk){ ind[2] = i; break; } } } } tolk = 1./Max(10.,2.*knots[0]->Array1().Length()); nbadd = inqadd(dom[1],dom[3],kadd,madd,degree[0],tolk); if(nbadd){ TColStd_Array1OfReal addk(kadd[0],1,nbadd); TColStd_Array1OfInteger addm(madd[0],1,nbadd); Standard_Integer nbnp, nbnk; if(BSplCLib::PrepareInsertKnots(degree[0],0, knots[0]->Array1(), mults[0]->Array1(), addk,&addm,nbnp,nbnk,tolk,0)){ nm[0] = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,nbnk); nk[0] = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal(1,nbnk); ncpol[0] = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,nbnp); ncpol[2] = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,nbnp); BSplCLib::InsertKnots(degree[0],0, curvpol[0]->Array1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), knots[0]->Array1(),mults[0]->Array1(), addk,&addm, ncpol[0]->ChangeArray1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), nk[0]->ChangeArray1(),nm[0]->ChangeArray1(), tolk,0); BSplCLib::InsertKnots(degree[0],0, curvpol[2]->Array1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), knots[0]->Array1(),mults[0]->Array1(), addk,&addm, ncpol[2]->ChangeArray1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), nk[0]->ChangeArray1(),nm[0]->ChangeArray1(), tolk,0); if(!tgtepol[0].IsNull()){ ntpol[0] = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,nbnp); BSplCLib::InsertKnots(degree[0],0, tgtepol[0]->Array1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), knots[0]->Array1(),mults[0]->Array1(), addk,&addm, ntpol[0]->ChangeArray1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), nk[0]->ChangeArray1(),nm[0]->ChangeArray1(), tolk,0); } if(!tgtepol[2].IsNull()){ ntpol[2] = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,nbnp); BSplCLib::InsertKnots(degree[0],0, tgtepol[2]->Array1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), knots[0]->Array1(),mults[0]->Array1(), addk,&addm, ntpol[2]->ChangeArray1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), nk[0]->ChangeArray1(),nm[0]->ChangeArray1(), tolk,0); } } if(dom[1] != 1.) { for(i = 2; i <= nbnk; i++){ if(Abs(dom[1]-nm[0]->Value(i)) < tolk){ ind[1] = i; break; } } } if(dom[3] != 1.) { for(i = 1; i < nbnk; i++){ if(Abs(1.-dom[3]-nm[0]->Value(i)) < tolk){ ind[3] = i; break; } } } } Handle(Law_Linear) fu = mklin(ptch->Func(0)); ab[0] = Law::MixBnd(degree[1],nk[1]->Array1(),nm[1]->Array1(),fu); fu = mklin(ptch->Func(1)); ab[1] = Law::MixBnd(degree[0],nk[0]->Array1(),nm[0]->Array1(),fu); for(i = 0; i<2; i++){ l = ab[i]->Length(); ab[i+2] = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal(1,l); for(j = 1; j <= l; j++){ ab[i+2]->SetValue(j,1.-ab[i]->Value(j)); } } pq[0] = Law::MixTgt(degree[1],nk[1]->Array1(),nm[1]->Array1(),1,ind[0]); pq[2] = Law::MixTgt(degree[1],nk[1]->Array1(),nm[1]->Array1(),0,ind[2]); pq[1] = Law::MixTgt(degree[0],nk[0]->Array1(),nm[0]->Array1(),0,ind[1]); pq[3] = Law::MixTgt(degree[0],nk[0]->Array1(),nm[0]->Array1(),1,ind[3]); #ifdef DRAW if(dodraw){ gp_Vec2d tra(0.,0.); Standard_Real scal = 1.; Law_draw1dcurve(ab[0]->Array1(),nk[1]->Array1(),nm[1]->Array1(),degree[1],tra,scal); tra.SetCoord(1.,0.); Law_draw1dcurve(ab[1]->Array1(),nk[0]->Array1(),nm[0]->Array1(),degree[0],tra,scal); tra.SetCoord(0.,1.); Law_draw1dcurve(ab[2]->Array1(),nk[1]->Array1(),nm[1]->Array1(),degree[1],tra,scal); tra.SetCoord(1.,1.); Law_draw1dcurve(ab[3]->Array1(),nk[0]->Array1(),nm[0]->Array1(),degree[0],tra,scal); tra.SetCoord(0.,0.); Law_draw1dcurve(pq[0]->Array1(),nk[1]->Array1(),nm[1]->Array1(),degree[1],tra,scal); tra.SetCoord(0.,1.); Law_draw1dcurve(pq[2]->Array1(),nk[1]->Array1(),nm[1]->Array1(),degree[1],tra,scal); tra.SetCoord(1.,0.); Law_draw1dcurve(pq[1]->Array1(),nk[0]->Array1(),nm[0]->Array1(),degree[0],tra,scal); tra.SetCoord(1.,1.); Law_draw1dcurve(pq[3]->Array1(),nk[0]->Array1(),nm[0]->Array1(),degree[0],tra,scal); } #endif } //======================================================================= //function : PerformS0 //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::PerformS0() { // On construit les poles de S0 par combinaison des poles des bords, // des poles des fonctions ab, des points c selon la formule : // S0(i,j) = ab[0](j)*ncpol[0](i) + ab[1](i)*ncpol[1](j) // + ab[2](j)*ncpol[2](i) + ab[3](i)*ncpol[3](j) // - ab[3](i)*ab[0](j)*c[0] - ab[0](j)*ab[1](i)*c[1] // - ab[1](i)*ab[2](j)*c[2] - ab[2](j)*ab[3](i)*c[3] Standard_Integer i, j; Standard_Integer ni = ncpol[0]->Length(); Standard_Integer nj = ncpol[1]->Length(); S0 = new TColgp_HArray2OfPnt(1,ni,1,nj); TColgp_Array2OfPnt& ss0 = S0->ChangeArray2(); const gp_XYZ& c0 = ptch->Corner(0).Coord(); const gp_XYZ& c1 = ptch->Corner(1).Coord(); const gp_XYZ& c2 = ptch->Corner(2).Coord(); const gp_XYZ& c3 = ptch->Corner(3).Coord(); for (i = 1; i <= ni; i++){ Standard_Real ab1 = ab[1]->Value(i); Standard_Real ab3 = ab[3]->Value(i); const gp_XYZ& b0 = ncpol[0]->Value(i).Coord(); const gp_XYZ& b2 = ncpol[2]->Value(i).Coord(); for (j = 1; j <= nj; j++){ Standard_Real ab0 = ab[0]->Value(j); Standard_Real ab2 = ab[2]->Value(j); const gp_XYZ& b1 = ncpol[1]->Value(j).Coord(); const gp_XYZ& b3 = ncpol[3]->Value(j).Coord(); gp_XYZ polij = b0.Multiplied(ab0); gp_XYZ temp = b1.Multiplied(ab1); polij.Add(temp); temp = b2.Multiplied(ab2); polij.Add(temp); temp = b3.Multiplied(ab3); polij.Add(temp); temp = c0.Multiplied(-ab3*ab0); polij.Add(temp); temp = c1.Multiplied(-ab0*ab1); polij.Add(temp); temp = c2.Multiplied(-ab1*ab2); polij.Add(temp); temp = c3.Multiplied(-ab2*ab3); polij.Add(temp); ss0(i,j).SetXYZ(polij); } } } //======================================================================= //function : PerformS1 //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::PerformS1() { // on construit en temporaire les poles des champs tangents // definis par : // tgte[ibound](u) - d/dv (S0(u,vbound)) pour ibound = 0 ou 2 // tgte[ibound](v) - d/du (S0(ubound,v)) pour ibound = 1 ou 3 // sur les bords ou tgte est defini. gp_XYZ* nt[4]; const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& ss0 = S0->Array2(); Standard_Integer l, i, j, k; Standard_Integer ni = ss0.ColLength(); Standard_Integer nj = ss0.RowLength(); for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++){ if(ntpol[i].IsNull()) nt[i] = 0; else { Standard_Real z=0; Standard_Integer nbp = ntpol[i]->Length(); Standard_Integer i1=0,i2=0,j1=0,j2=0; Standard_Boolean inci=0; nt[i] = new gp_XYZ[nbp]; switch(i){ case 0 : z = - degree[1]/(nk[1]->Value(2) - nk[1]->Value(1)); inci = Standard_True; i1 = 1; i2 = 1; j1 = 1; j2 = 2; break; case 1 : l = nk[0]->Length(); z = - degree[0]/(nk[0]->Value(l) - nk[0]->Value(l-1)); inci = Standard_False; i1 = ni-1; i2 = ni; j1 = 1; j2 = 1; break; case 2 : l = nk[1]->Length(); z = - degree[1]/(nk[1]->Value(l) - nk[1]->Value(l-1)); inci = Standard_True; i1 = 1; i2 = 1; j1 = nj-1; j2 = nj; break; case 3 : z = - degree[0]/(nk[0]->Value(2) - nk[0]->Value(1)); inci = Standard_False; i1 = 1; i2 = 2; j1 = 1; j2 = 1; break; } for(k = 0; k < nbp; k++){ nt[i][k] = S0->Value(i1,j1).XYZ(); nt[i][k].Multiply(-1.); nt[i][k].Add(S0->Value(i2,j2).XYZ()); nt[i][k].Multiply(z); nt[i][k].Add(ntpol[i]->Value(k+1).XYZ()); if(inci) { i1++; i2++; } else { j1++; j2++; } } } } // on calcul les termes correctifs pour le melange. Standard_Real coef0 = degree[0]/(nk[0]->Value(2) - nk[0]->Value(1)); Standard_Real coef1 = degree[1]/(nk[1]->Value(2) - nk[1]->Value(1)); gp_XYZ vtemp, vtemp0, vtemp1; if(nt[0] && nt[3]){ vtemp0 = nt[0][0].Multiplied(-1.); vtemp0.Add(nt[0][1]); vtemp0.Multiply(coef0); vtemp1 = nt[3][0].Multiplied(-1.); vtemp1.Add(nt[3][1]); vtemp1.Multiply(coef1); vtemp = vtemp0.Added(vtemp1); vtemp.Multiply(0.5); v[0].SetXYZ(vtemp); } Standard_Integer ln0 = nk[0]->Length(), lp0 = ncpol[0]->Length(); coef0 = degree[0]/(nk[0]->Value(ln0) - nk[0]->Value(ln0 - 1)); coef1 = degree[1]/(nk[1]->Value(2) - nk[1]->Value(1)); if(nt[0] && nt[1]){ vtemp0 = nt[0][lp0 - 2].Multiplied(-1.); vtemp0.Add(nt[0][lp0 - 1]); vtemp0.Multiply(coef0); vtemp1 = nt[1][0].Multiplied(-1.); vtemp1.Add(nt[1][1]); vtemp1.Multiply(coef1); vtemp = vtemp0.Added(vtemp1); vtemp.Multiply(0.5); v[1].SetXYZ(vtemp); } ln0 = nk[0]->Length(); lp0 = ncpol[0]->Length(); Standard_Integer ln1 = nk[1]->Length(), lp1 = ncpol[1]->Length(); coef0 = degree[0]/(nk[0]->Value(ln0) - nk[0]->Value(ln0 - 1)); coef1 = degree[1]/(nk[1]->Value(ln1) - nk[1]->Value(ln1 - 1)); if(nt[1] && nt[2]){ vtemp0 = nt[2][lp0 - 2].Multiplied(-1.); vtemp0.Add(nt[2][lp0 - 1]); vtemp0.Multiply(coef0); vtemp1 = nt[1][lp1 - 2].Multiplied(-1.); vtemp1.Add(nt[1][lp1 - 1]); vtemp1.Multiply(coef1); vtemp = vtemp0.Added(vtemp1); vtemp.Multiply(0.5); v[2].SetXYZ(vtemp); } ln1 = nk[1]->Length(); lp1 = ncpol[1]->Length(); coef0 = degree[0]/(nk[0]->Value(2) - nk[0]->Value(1)); coef1 = degree[1]/(nk[1]->Value(ln1) - nk[1]->Value(ln1 - 1)); if(nt[2] && nt[3]){ vtemp0 = nt[2][0].Multiplied(-1.); vtemp0.Add(nt[2][1]); vtemp0.Multiply(coef0); vtemp1 = nt[3][lp1 - 2].Multiplied(-1.); vtemp1.Add(nt[3][lp1 - 1]); vtemp1.Multiply(coef1); vtemp = vtemp0.Added(vtemp1); vtemp.Multiply(0.5); v[3].SetXYZ(vtemp); } // On construit les poles de S1 par combinaison des poles des // champs tangents, des poles des fonctions pq, des duv au coins // selon la formule : // S1(i,j) = pq[0](j)*ntpol[0](i) + pq[1](i)*ntpol[1](j) // + pq[2](j)*ntpol[2](i) + pq[3](i)*ntpol[3](j) // - pq[3](i)*pq[0](j)*v[0] - pq[0](j)*pq[1](i)*v[1] // - pq[1](i)*pq[2](j)*v[2] - pq[2](j)*pq[3](i)*v[3] S1 = new TColgp_HArray2OfPnt(1,ni,1,nj); TColgp_Array2OfPnt& ss1 = S1->ChangeArray2(); const gp_XYZ& v0 = v[0].XYZ(); const gp_XYZ& v1 = v[1].XYZ(); const gp_XYZ& v2 = v[2].XYZ(); const gp_XYZ& v3 = v[3].XYZ(); for (i = 1; i <= ni; i++){ Standard_Real pq1=0, pq3=0; if(nt[1]) pq1 = -pq[1]->Value(i); if(nt[3]) pq3 = pq[3]->Value(i); gp_XYZ t0, t2; if(nt[0]) t0 = nt[0][i-1]; if(nt[2]) t2 = nt[2][i-1]; for (j = 1; j <= nj; j++){ Standard_Real pq0=0, pq2=0; if(nt[0]) pq0 = pq[0]->Value(j); if(nt[2]) pq2 = -pq[2]->Value(j); gp_XYZ t1, t3; if(nt[1]) t1 = nt[1][j-1]; if(nt[3]) t3 = nt[3][j-1]; gp_XYZ tpolij(0.,0.,0.), temp; if(nt[0]) { temp = t0.Multiplied(pq0); tpolij.Add(temp); } if(nt[1]) { temp = t1.Multiplied(pq1); tpolij.Add(temp); } if(nt[2]){ temp = t2.Multiplied(pq2); tpolij.Add(temp); } if(nt[3]){ temp = t3.Multiplied(pq3); tpolij.Add(temp); } if(nt[3] && nt[0]){ temp = v0.Multiplied(-pq3*pq0); tpolij.Add(temp); } if(nt[0] && nt[1]){ temp = v1.Multiplied(-pq0*pq1); tpolij.Add(temp); } if(nt[1] && nt[2]){ temp = v2.Multiplied(-pq1*pq2); tpolij.Add(temp); } if(nt[2] && nt[3]){ temp = v3.Multiplied(-pq2*pq3); tpolij.Add(temp); } ss1(i,j).SetXYZ(tpolij); } } // Un petit menage for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++){ if(nt[i]){ delete[] nt[i]; } } } //======================================================================= //function : PerformSurface //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::PerformSurface() { Standard_Integer ni = S0->ColLength(), nj = S0->RowLength(),i,j; TColgp_Array2OfPnt temp(1,ni,1,nj); const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& t0 = S0->Array2(); const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& t1 = S1->Array2(); for(i = 1; i <= ni; i++){ for(j = 1; j <= nj; j++){ temp(i,j).SetXYZ(t0(i,j).XYZ().Added(t1(i,j).XYZ())); } } surf = new Geom_BSplineSurface(temp, nk[0]->Array1(),nk[1]->Array1(), nm[0]->Array1(),nm[1]->Array1(), degree[0],degree[1]); } //======================================================================= //function : CheckTgte //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::CheckTgte(const Standard_Integer I) { Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) bou = ptch->Bound(I); if(!bou->HasNormals()) return Standard_True; // On prend 13 points le long du bord et on verifie que le triedre // forme par la tangente a la courbe la normale et la tangente du // peigne ne change pas d orientation. Standard_Real ll = 1./12., pmix=0; for (Standard_Integer iu = 0; iu < 13; iu++){ Standard_Real uu = iu * ll; gp_Pnt pbid; gp_Vec tgte; bou->D1(uu,pbid,tgte); gp_Vec norm = bou->Norm(uu); gp_Vec vfield = tgalg[I]->Value(uu); if(iu == 0) pmix = vfield.Dot(tgte.Crossed(norm)); else { Standard_Real pmixcur = vfield.Dot(tgte.Crossed(norm)); if(pmix*pmixcur < 0.) return Standard_False; } } return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : MinTgte //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::MinTgte(const Standard_Integer I) { if(!ptch->Bound(I)->HasNormals()) return; Standard_Real minmag = RealLast(); Standard_Real ll = 0.02; for (Standard_Integer iu = 0; iu <= 30; iu++){ Standard_Real uu = 0.2 + iu * ll; gp_Vec vv = tgalg[I]->Value(uu); Standard_Real temp = vv.SquareMagnitude(); if(temp < minmag) minmag = temp; } mig[I] = sqrt(minmag); } //======================================================================= //function : Eval //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::Eval(const Standard_Real W, const Standard_Integer Ord, Standard_Real& Result)const { Standard_Real* res = &Result; Standard_Integer jmp = (3 * ctr[0]); switch(Ord){ case 0 : if(ctr[0]){ ptch->Bound(ibound[0])->Value(W).Coord(res[0],res[1],res[2]); } if(ctr[0] == 2){ tgalg[ibound[0]]->Value(W).Coord(res[3],res[4],res[5]); } if(ctr[1]){ ptch->Bound(ibound[1])->Value(W).Coord(res[jmp],res[jmp+1],res[jmp+2]); } if(ctr[1] == 2){ tgalg[ibound[1]]->Value(W).Coord(res[jmp+3],res[jmp+4],res[jmp+5]); } break; case 1 : gp_Pnt pt; gp_Vec vt; if(ctr[0]){ ptch->Bound(ibound[0])->D1(W,pt,vt); vt.Coord(res[0],res[1],res[2]); } if(ctr[0] == 2){ tgalg[ibound[0]]->D1(W).Coord(res[3],res[4],res[5]); } if(ctr[1]){ ptch->Bound(ibound[1])->D1(W,pt,vt); vt.Coord(res[jmp],res[jmp+1],res[jmp+2]); } if(ctr[1] == 2){ tgalg[ibound[1]]->D1(W).Coord(res[jmp+3],res[jmp+4],res[jmp+5]); } break; } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : CheckCoonsAlgPatch //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::CheckCoonsAlgPatch(const Standard_Integer I) { Standard_Integer nbp = 30; Standard_Real uu=0,duu=0,vv=0,dvv=0,ww=0,dww=0,u1,u2,v1,v2; surf->Bounds(u1,u2,v1,v2); Standard_Boolean enu = Standard_False; switch(I){ case 0: uu = ww = u1; vv = v1; duu = dww = (u2 - u1)/nbp; dvv = 0.; break; case 1: vv = ww = v1; uu = u2; dvv = dww = (v2 - v1)/nbp; duu = 0.; enu = Standard_True; break; case 2: uu = ww = u1; vv = v2; duu = dww = (u2 - u1)/nbp; dvv = 0.; break; case 3: vv = ww = v1; uu = u1; dvv = dww = (v2 - v1)/nbp; duu = 0.; enu = Standard_True; break; } gp_Pnt pbound; gp_Vec vptch; Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) bou = ptch->Bound(I); for (Standard_Integer k = 0; k <= nbp; k++){ pbound = bou->Value(ww); if(enu) vptch = ptch->D1U(uu,vv); else vptch = ptch->D1V(uu,vv); #ifdef DRAW gp_Pnt pp; Handle(Draw_Segment3D) seg; pp = pbound.Translated(vptch); seg = new Draw_Segment3D(pbound,pp,Draw_jaune); dout << seg; #endif uu += duu; vv += dvv; ww += dww; } } //======================================================================= //function : CheckTgteField //purpose : //======================================================================= void GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling::CheckTgteField(const Standard_Integer I) { if(tgalg[I].IsNull()) return; #ifdef DRAW gp_Pnt p1,p2; #else gp_Pnt p1; #endif gp_Vec d1; Standard_Boolean caplisse = 0; Standard_Real maxang = 0.,pmix=0,pmixcur; Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) bou = ptch->Bound(I); for (Standard_Integer iu = 0; iu <= 30; iu++){ Standard_Real uu = iu/30.; bou->D1(uu,p1,d1); gp_Vec vtg = tgalg[I]->Value(uu); gp_Vec vnor = bou->Norm(uu); gp_Vec vcros = d1.Crossed(vnor); vcros.Normalize(); if(iu == 0) pmix = vtg.Dot(vcros); else { pmixcur = vtg.Dot(vcros); if(pmix*pmixcur < 0.) caplisse = 1; } #ifdef DRAW Handle(Draw_Segment3D) seg; p2 = p1.Translated(vtg); seg = new Draw_Segment3D(p1,p2,Draw_blanc); dout << seg; p2 = p1.Translated(vnor); seg = new Draw_Segment3D(p1,p2,Draw_rouge); dout << seg; p2 = p1.Translated(vcros); seg = new Draw_Segment3D(p1,p2,Draw_jaune); dout << seg; #endif if(vnor.Magnitude() > 1.e-15 && vtg.Magnitude() > 1.e-15){ Standard_Real alpha = Abs(M_PI/2.-Abs(vnor.Angle(vtg))); if(Abs(alpha) > maxang) maxang = Abs(alpha); } } cout<<"KAlgo angle max sur bord "<Bound(I); for (Standard_Integer iu = 0; iu <= nbp; iu++){ Standard_Real uu = iu; uu /= nbp; pbound = bou->Value(uu); BSplCLib::D0(uu,0,degree[I%2],0,ncpol[I]->Array1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), nk[I%2]->Array1(),&nm[I%2]->Array1(),papp); if(donor) { BSplCLib::D0(uu,0,degree[I%2],0,ntpol[I]->Array1(),BSplCLib::NoWeights(), nk[I%2]->Array1(),&nm[I%2]->Array1(),pbid); vapp.SetXYZ(pbid.XYZ()); vbound = bou->Norm(uu); if(vapp.Magnitude() > 1.e-15 && vbound.Magnitude() > 1.e-15){ Standard_Real alpha = Abs(M_PI/2.-Abs(vbound.Angle(vapp))); if(Abs(alpha) > maxang) maxang = Abs(alpha); } #ifdef DRAW Handle(Draw_Segment3D) seg; gp_Pnt pp; pp = pbound.Translated(vbound); seg = new Draw_Segment3D(pbound,pp,Draw_blanc); dout << seg; pp = papp.Translated(vapp); seg = new Draw_Segment3D(papp,pp,Draw_rouge); dout << seg; #endif } if(papp.Distance(pbound) > maxdist) maxdist = papp.Distance(pbound); } cout<<"Controle approx/contrainte sur bord "<Bounds(u1,u2,v1,v2); switch(I){ case 0: uu = ww = u1; vv = v1; duu = dww = (u2 - u1)/30; dvv = 0.; break; case 1: vv = ww = v1; uu = u2; dvv = dww = (v2 - v1)/30; duu = 0.; break; case 2: uu = ww = u1; vv = v2; duu = dww = (u2 - u1)/30; dvv = 0.; break; case 3: vv = ww = v1; uu = u1; dvv = dww = (v2 - v1)/30; duu = 0.; break; } gp_Pnt pbound[31],pres[31]; gp_Vec vbound[31],vres[31]; #ifdef DRAW Standard_Real ang[31]; Standard_Boolean hasang[31]; #endif Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) bou = ptch->Bound(I); Standard_Integer k ; for ( k = 0; k <= 30; k++){ pbound[k] = bou->Value(ww); if(!donor) surf->D0(uu,vv,pres[k]); else{ vbound[k] = bou->Norm(ww); gp_Vec V1,V2; surf->D1(uu,vv,pres[k],V1,V2); vres[k] = V1.Crossed(V2); if(vres[k].Magnitude() > 1.e-15 && vbound[k].Magnitude() > 1.e-15){ Standard_Real alpha = Abs(vres[k].Angle(vbound[k])); alpha = Min(alpha,Abs(M_PI-alpha)); if(alpha > maxang) maxang = alpha; #ifdef DRAW ang[k] = alpha; hasang[k] = 1; #endif } #ifdef DRAW else hasang[k] = 0; #endif } if(pres[k].Distance(pbound[k]) > maxdist) maxdist = pres[k].Distance(pbound[k]); uu += duu; vv += dvv; ww += dww; } cout<<"Controle resultat/contrainte sur bord "<1.e-10; for (k = 0; k <= 30; k++){ if(hasang[k]){ gp_Pnt pp; Handle(Draw_Segment3D) seg; vbound[k].Normalize(); if(scale) vbound[k].Multiply(1.+3.*ang[k]/maxang); vbound[k].Multiply(drawfac); pp = pbound[k].Translated(vbound[k]); seg = new Draw_Segment3D(pbound[k],pp,Draw_blanc); dout << seg; vres[k].Normalize(); if(scale) vres[k].Multiply(1.+3.*ang[k]/maxang); vres[k].Multiply(drawfac); pp = pres[k].Translated(vres[k]); seg = new Draw_Segment3D(pres[k],pp,Draw_rouge); dout << seg; } } #endif }