-- File: GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling.cdl -- Created: Fri Oct 13 17:38:33 1995 -- Author: Laurent BOURESCHE -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class ConstrainedFilling from GeomFill ---Purpose: An algorithm for constructing a BSpline surface filled -- from a series of boundaries which serve as path -- constraints and optionally, as tangency constraints. -- The algorithm accepts three or four curves as the -- boundaries of the target surface. -- A ConstrainedFilling object provides a framework for: -- - defining the boundaries of the surface -- - implementing the construction algorithm -- - consulting the result. -- Warning -- This surface filling algorithm is specifically designed to -- be used in connection with fillets. Satisfactory results -- cannot be guaranteed for other uses. uses HArray1OfInteger from TColStd, HArray1OfReal from TColStd, Pnt from gp, Vec from gp, HArray1OfPnt from TColgp, HArray2OfPnt from TColgp, CornerState from GeomFill, Boundary from GeomFill, BoundWithSurf from GeomFill, CoonsAlgPatch from GeomFill, TgtField from GeomFill, BSplineSurface from Geom, Function from Law is Create (MaxDeg, MaxSeg : Integer from Standard) returns ConstrainedFilling from GeomFill; ---Purpose: -- Constructs an empty framework for filling a surface from boundaries. -- The boundaries of the surface will be defined, and the -- surface will be built by using the function Init. -- The surface will respect the following constraints: -- - its degree will not be greater than MaxDeg -- - the maximum number of segments MaxSeg which -- BSpline surfaces can have. Init(me : in out; B1,B2,B3 : Boundary from GeomFill; NoCheck : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False); Init(me : in out; B1,B2,B3,B4 : Boundary from GeomFill; NoCheck : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False); ---Purpose: Constructs a BSpline surface filled from the series of -- boundaries B1, B2, B3 and, if need be, B4, which serve: -- - as path constraints -- - and optionally, as tangency constraints if they are -- GeomFill_BoundWithSurf curves. -- The boundaries may be given in any order: they are -- classified and if necessary, reversed and reparameterized. -- The surface will also respect the following constraints: -- - its degree will not be greater than the maximum -- degree defined at the time of construction of this framework, and -- - the maximum number of segments MaxSeg which BSpline surfaces can have SetDomain(me : in out; l : Real from Standard; B : BoundWithSurf from GeomFill); ---Purpose: Allows to modify domain on witch the blending function -- associated to the constrained boundary B will propag -- the influence of the field of tangency. Can be -- usefull to reduce influence of boundaries on whitch -- the Coons compatibility conditions are not respected. -- l is a relative value of the parametric range of B. -- Default value for l is 1 (used in Init). -- Warning: Must be called after Init with a constrained boundary -- used in the call to Init. ReBuild(me : in out) ---Purpose: Computes the new poles of the surface using the new -- blending functions set by several calls to SetDomain. is static; -------------------------------------------------------------------- Boundary(me; I : Integer from Standard) returns Boundary from GeomFill; ---Purpose: Returns the bound of index i after sort. Surface(me) returns BSplineSurface from Geom; ---Purpose: Returns the BSpline surface after computation of the fill by this framework. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal use computation functions -------------------------------------------------------------------- Build(me : in out) ---Purpose: Performs the approximation an compute the poles of the -- surface. is static private; PerformApprox(me : in out) ---Purpose: Performs the parallel approximation on two oppsite -- bounds is static private; MatchKnots(me : in out) ---Purpose: matches the nodal vectors of the blending functions -- and the results of the approx to allow the surface -- computation. is static private; PerformS0(me : in out) ---Purpose: performs the poles of the partial construction S0. is static private; PerformS1(me : in out) ---Purpose: performs the poles of the partial construction S1. is static private; PerformSurface(me : in out) ---Purpose: performs the poles of the surface using the partial -- constructions S0 and S1. is static private; CheckTgte(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) ---Purpose: Checks if the field of tangency doesn t twist along the -- boundary. returns Boolean from Standard is static private; MinTgte(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) ---Purpose: Evaluates the min magnitude of the field of tangency -- along bound I to allow a simple evaluation of the -- tolerance needed for the approximation of the field of -- tangency. is static private; Eval(me; W : Real from Standard ; Ord : Integer from Standard ; Result : in out Real from Standard) ---Purpose: Internal use for Advmath approximation call. returns Integer from Standard; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal use functions for debug : -- The graphic traces are compiled only with -D DEB option, -- can be used only in Draw Appli context. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CheckCoonsAlgPatch(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) ---Purpose: Computes the fields of tangents on 30 points along the -- bound I, these are not the constraint tangents but -- gives an idea of the coonsAlgPatch regularity. is static; CheckTgteField(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) ---Purpose: Computes the fields of tangents and normals on 30 -- points along the bound I, draw them, and computes the -- max dot product that must be near than 0. is static; CheckApprox(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) ---Purpose: Computes values and normals along the bound I and -- compare them to the approx result curves (bound and -- tgte field) , draw the normals and tangents. is static; CheckResult(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) ---Purpose: Computes values and normals along the bound I on both -- constraint surface and result surface, draw the -- normals, and computes the max distance between values -- and the max angle between normals. is static; fields -- data for approximation. degmax : Integer from Standard; segmax : Integer from Standard; -- the algorithmic patch. ptch : CoonsAlgPatch from GeomFill; -- the algorithmic tangents fields tgalg : TgtField from GeomFill[4]; -- the evaluation of the min of the algorithmic tangents fields -- magnitude. mig : Real from Standard [4]; -- data about corners conditionning the existence of solution. stcor : CornerState from GeomFill [4]; -- the derivatives on corners. v : Vec from gp [4]; -- result curves of aproximation. appdone : Boolean from Standard; tolapp3d : Real from Standard[4]; tolappang : Real from Standard[4]; degree : Integer from Standard [2]; curvpol : HArray1OfPnt from TColgp [4]; tgtepol : HArray1OfPnt from TColgp [4]; mults : HArray1OfInteger from TColStd [2]; knots : HArray1OfReal from TColStd [2]; -- the blending functions for the patial result S0 surface (only -- bounds) ab : HArray1OfReal from TColStd [4]; -- the blending functions for the patial result S1 surface -- (including tangency constraints) pq : HArray1OfReal from TColStd [4]; dom : Real from Standard [4]; -- new arrays computed in order to match the blending functions -- nodal vectors and the approximated curves nodal vectors. these -- data are recomputed at each call to ReBuild method, without any -- new perform of the approx. ncpol : HArray1OfPnt from TColgp [4]; ntpol : HArray1OfPnt from TColgp [4]; nm : HArray1OfInteger from TColStd [2]; nk : HArray1OfReal from TColStd [2]; -- nombre de courbes a approximer pour chaque bord ctr[i] ibound: Integer [2]; ctr : Integer [2]; nbd3 : Integer; -- partial results of surface poles computed by blending curvpol -- an tgtepol. S0 : HArray2OfPnt from TColgp; S1 : HArray2OfPnt from TColgp; -- the result surface. surf : BSplineSurface from Geom; end ConstrainedFilling;