# Copyright (c) 2012 OPEN CASCADE SAS # # The content of this file is subject to the Open CASCADE Technology Public # License Version 6.5 (the "License"). You may not use the content of this file # except in compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License # at http://www.opencascade.org and read it completely before using this file. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Open CASCADE S.A.S., having its # main offices at: 1, place des Freres Montgolfier, 78280 Guyancourt, France. # # The Original Code and all software distributed under the License is # distributed on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, and the # Initial Developer hereby disclaims all such warranties, including without # limitation, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular # purpose or non-infringement. Please see the License for the specific terms # and conditions governing the rights and limitations under the License. ############################################################################ # This file defines scripts for execution of OCCT tests. # It should be loaded automatically when DRAW is started, and provides # two top-level commands: 'test' and 'testgrid'. # See OCCT Tests User Guide for description of the test system. # # Note: procedures with names starting with underscore are for internal use # inside the test system. ############################################################################ # Default verbose level for command _run_test set _tests_verbose 0 # regexp for parsing test case results in summary log set _test_case_regexp {^CASE\s+([\w.-]+)\s+([\w.-]+)\s+([\w.-]+)\s*:\s*([\w]+)(.*)} # Basic command to run indicated test case in DRAW help test {Run specified test case Use: test group grid casename [verbose_level] Verbose level is 0 by default; can be set to 1 or 2} proc test {group grid casename {verbose {}}} { global _tests_verbose if { $verbose != "" } { set _tests_verbose $verbose } # get test case paths (will raise error if input is invalid) _get_test $group $grid $casename dir gridname casefile # run test uplevel _run_test $dir $group $gridname $casefile # check log _check_log $dir $group $gridname $casename [dlog get] return } # Basic command to run indicated test case in DRAW help testgrid {Run all tests, or specified group, or one grid Use: testgrid logdir [group [grid]] [options...] Log directory should be empty (or non-existing) Allowed options are: -parallel N: run in parallel mode with up to N processes (default 0) -refresh N: save summary logs every N seconds (default 60, minimal 1, 0 to disable) -overwrite: force writing logs in existing non-empty directory -xml filename: write XML report for Jenkins (in JUnit-like format) } proc testgrid {logdir args} { global env tcl_platform _tests_verbose ###################################################### # check arguments ###################################################### # check that environment variable defining paths to test scripts is defined if { ! [info exists env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] || [llength $env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] <= 0 } { error "Error: Environment variable CSF_TestScriptsPath is not defined" } # treat options set parallel 0 set refresh 60 set overwrite 0 set xmlfile "" for {set narg 0} {$narg < [llength $args]} {incr narg} { set arg [lindex $args $narg] # parallel execution if { $arg == "-parallel" } { incr narg if { $narg < [llength $args] } { set parallel [expr [lindex $args $narg]] } else { set paralell 2 } continue } # refresh logs time if { $arg == "-refresh" } { incr narg if { $narg < [llength $args] } { set refresh [expr [lindex $args $narg]] } else { set refresh 10 } continue } # allow overwrite logs if { $arg == "-overwrite" } { set overwrite 1 continue } # refresh logs time if { $arg == "-xml" } { incr narg if { $narg < [llength $args] } { set xmlfile [lindex $args $narg] } if { $xmlfile == "" } { set xmlfile TESTS-summary.xml } continue } # unsupported option if { [regexp {^-} $arg] } { error "Error: unsupported option \"$arg\"" } # treat arguments not recognized as options as group and grid names if { ! [info exists groupname] } { set groupname $arg } elseif { ! [info exists gridname] } { set gridname $arg } else { error "Error: cannot interpret argument $narg ($arg): both group and grid names are already defined by previous args!" } } # check that target log directory is empty or does not exist set logdir [file normalize [string trim $logdir]] if { $logdir == "" } { # if specified logdir is empty string, generate unique name like "results_2010-12-31T23:59:59" set logdir "results_[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H%M}]" set logdir [file normalize $logdir] } if { [file isdirectory $logdir] && ! $overwrite && ! [catch {glob -directory $logdir *}] } { error "Error: Specified log directory \"$logdir\" is not empty; please clean it before running tests" } if { [catch {file mkdir $logdir}] || ! [file writable $logdir] } { error "Error: Cannot create directory \"$logdir\", or it is not writable" } ###################################################### # prepare list of tests to be performed ###################################################### # list of tests, each defined by a list of: # test scripts directory # group (subfolder) name # grid (subfolder) name # test case name # path to test case file set tests_list {} # iterate by all script paths foreach dir [_split_path $env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] { # protection against empty paths set dir [string trim $dir] if { $dir == "" } { continue } if { $_tests_verbose > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Examining tests directory $dir" } # check that directory exists if { ! [file isdirectory $dir] } { _log_and_puts log "Warning: directory $dir listed in CSF_TestScriptsPath does not exist, skipped" continue } # if test group is specified, check that directory with given name exists in this dir # if not, continue to the next test dir if { [info exists groupname] && $groupname != "" } { if { [file isdirectory $dir/$groupname] } { set groups $groupname } else { continue } } else { # else search all directories in the current dir if [catch {glob -directory $dir -tail -types d *} groups] { continue } } # iterate by groups if { $_tests_verbose > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Groups to be executed: $groups" } foreach group [lsort -dictionary $groups] { if { $_tests_verbose > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Examining group directory $group" } # file grids.list must exist: it defines sequence of grids in the group if { ! [file exists $dir/$group/grids.list] } { _log_and_puts log "Warning: directory $dir/$group does not contain file grids.list, skipped" continue } # read grids.list file and make a list of grids to be executed set gridlist {} set fd [open $dir/$group/grids.list] set nline 0 while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } { incr nline # skip comments and empty lines if { [regexp "\[ \t\]*\#.*" $line] } { continue } if { [string trim $line] == "" } { continue } # get grid id and name if { ! [regexp "^\(\[0-9\]+\)\[ \t\]*\(\[A-Za-z0-9_.-\]+\)\$" $line res gridid grid] } { _log_and_puts log "Warning: cannot recognize line $nline in file $dir/$group/grids.list as \"gridid gridname\"; ignored" continue } # if specific grid is requested, check that it is present; otherwise make complete list if { ! [info exists gridname] || $gridname == "" || $gridname == $gridid || $gridname == $grid } { lappend gridlist $grid } } close $fd # iterate by all grids foreach grid $gridlist { # check if this grid is aliased to another one set griddir $dir/$group/$grid if { [file exists $griddir/cases.list] } { set fd [open $griddir/cases.list] if { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } { set griddir [file normalize $dir/$group/$grid/[string trim $line]] } close $fd } # check if grid directory actually exists if { ! [file isdirectory $griddir] } { _log_and_puts log "Error: tests directory for grid $grid ($griddir) is missing; skipped" continue } # create directory for logging test results if { $logdir != "" } { file mkdir $logdir/$group/$grid } # iterate by all tests in the grid directory if { [catch {glob -directory $griddir -type f *} testfiles] } { continue } foreach casefile [lsort -dictionary $testfiles] { # filter out begin and end files set casename [file tail $casefile] if { $casename == "begin" || $casename == "end" } { continue } lappend tests_list [list $dir $group $grid $casename $casefile] } } } } if { [llength $tests_list] < 1 } { error "Error: no tests are found, check you input arguments and variable CSF_TestScriptsPath!" } ###################################################### # run tests ###################################################### # log command arguments and environment set log "Command: testgrid $args\nHost: [info hostname]\nStarted on: [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}]\n" set log "$log\nEnvironment:\n" foreach envar [array names env] { set log "$log$envar=\"$env($envar)\"\n" } set log "$log\n" set refresh_timer [clock seconds] uplevel dchrono _timer reset uplevel dchrono _timer start # if parallel execution is requested, allocate thread pool if { $parallel > 0 } { if { ! [info exists tcl_platform(threaded)] || [catch {package require Thread}] } { _log_and_puts log "Warning: Tcl package Thread is not available, running in sequential mode" set parallel 0 } else { set worker [tpool::create -minworkers $parallel -maxworkers $parallel] # suspend the pool until all jobs are posted, to prevent blocking of the process # of starting / processing jobs by running threads tpool::suspend $worker if { $_tests_verbose > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Executing tests in (up to) $parallel threads" } } } # start test cases foreach test_def $tests_list { set dir [lindex $test_def 0] set group [lindex $test_def 1] set grid [lindex $test_def 2] set casename [lindex $test_def 3] set casefile [lindex $test_def 4] # command to set tests for generation of image in results directory set imgdir_cmd "" if { $logdir != "" } { set imgdir_cmd "set imagedir $logdir/$group/$grid" } # prepare command file for running test case in separate instance of DRAW set fd_cmd [open $logdir/$group/$grid/${casename}.tcl w] puts $fd_cmd "$imgdir_cmd" puts $fd_cmd "set test_image $casename" puts $fd_cmd "_run_test $dir $group $grid $casefile" # use dlog command to obtain complete output of the test when it is absent (i.e. since OCCT 6.6.0) if { ! [catch {dlog get}] } { puts $fd_cmd "puts \[dlog get\]" } else { # else try to use old-style QA_ variables to get more output... set env(QA_DUMP) 1 set env(QA_DUP) 1 set env(QA_print_command) 1 } # final 'exit' is needed when running on Linux under VirtualGl puts $fd_cmd "exit" close $fd_cmd # commant to run DRAW with a command file; # note that empty string is passed as standard input to avoid possible # hang-ups due to waiting for stdin of the launching process set command "exec <<{} DRAWEXE -f $logdir/$group/$grid/${casename}.tcl" # alternative method to run without temporary file; disabled as it needs too many backslashes # else { # set command "exec <<\"\" DRAWEXE -c $imgdir_cmd\\\; set test_image $casename\\\; \ # _run_test $dir $group $grid $casefile\\\; \ # puts \\\[dlog get\\\]\\\; exit" # } # run test case, either in parallel or sequentially if { $parallel > 0 } { # parallel execution set job [tpool::post -nowait $worker "catch \"$command\" output; return \$output"] set job_def($job) [list $logdir $dir $group $grid $casename] } else { # sequential execution catch {eval $command} output _log_test_case $output $logdir $dir $group $grid $casename log # update summary log with requested period if { $logdir != "" && $refresh > 0 && [expr [clock seconds] - $refresh_timer > $refresh] } { # update and dump summary _log_summarize $logdir $log set refresh_timer [clock seconds] } } } # get results of started threads if { $parallel > 0 } { tpool::resume $worker while { [llength [array names job_def]] > 0 } { foreach job [tpool::wait $worker [array names job_def]] { eval _log_test_case \[tpool::get $worker $job\] $job_def($job) log unset job_def($job) } # update summary log with requested period if { $logdir != "" && $refresh > 0 && [clock seconds] > $refresh_timer + $refresh } { _log_summarize $logdir $log set refresh_timer [clock seconds] } } # release thread pool tpool::release $worker } uplevel dchrono _timer stop set time [lindex [split [uplevel dchrono _timer show] "\n"] 0] ###################################################### # output summary logs and exit ###################################################### _log_summarize $logdir $log $time if { $logdir != "" } { puts "Detailed logs are saved in $logdir" } if { $logdir != "" && $xmlfile != "" } { # XML output file is assumed relative to log dir unless it is absolute if { [ file pathtype $xmlfile] == "relative" } { set xmlfile [file normalize $logdir/$xmlfile] } _log_xml_summary $logdir $xmlfile $log 0 puts "XML summary is saved to $xmlfile" } return } # Internal procedure to find test case indicated by group, grid, and test case names; # returns: # - dir: path to the base directory of the tests group # - gridname: actual name of the grid # - casefile: path to the test case script # if no such test is found, raises error with appropriate message proc _get_test {group grid casename _dir _gridname _casefile} { upvar $_dir dir upvar $_gridname gridname upvar $_casefile casefile global env # check that environment variable defining paths to test scripts is defined if { ! [info exists env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] || [llength $env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] <= 0 } { error "Error: Environment variable CSF_TestScriptsPath is not defined" } # iterate by all script paths foreach dir [_split_path $env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] { # protection against empty paths set dir [string trim $dir] if { $dir == "" } { continue } # check that directory exists if { ! [file isdirectory $dir] } { puts "Warning: directory $dir listed in CSF_TestScriptsPath does not exist, skipped" continue } # check if test group with given name exists in this dir # if not, continue to the next test dir if { ! [file isdirectory $dir/$group] } { continue } # check that grid with given name (possibly alias) exists; stop otherwise set gridname $grid if { ! [file isdirectory $dir/$group/$gridname] } { # check if grid is named by alias rather than by actual name if { [file exists $dir/$group/grids.list] } { set fd [open $dir/$group/grids.list] while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } { if { [regexp "\[ \t\]*\#.*" $line] } { continue } if { [regexp "^$grid\[ \t\]*\(\[A-Za-z0-9_.-\]+\)\$" $line res gridname] } { break } } close $fd } } if { ! [file isdirectory $dir/$group/$gridname] } { continue } # get actual file name of the script; stop if it cannot be found set casefile $dir/$group/$gridname/$casename if { ! [file exists $casefile] } { # check if this grid is aliased to another one if { [file exists $dir/$group/$gridname/cases.list] } { set fd [open $dir/$group/$gridname/cases.list] if { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } { set casefile [file normalize $dir/$group/$gridname/[string trim $line]/$casename] } close $fd } } if { [file exists $casefile] } { # normal return return } } # coming here means specified test is not found; report error error [join [list "Error: test case $group / $grid / $casename is not found in paths listed in variable" \ "CSF_TestScriptsPath (current value is \"$env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)\")"] "\n"] } # Internal procedure to run test case indicated by base directory, # grid and grid names, and test case file path. # The log can be obtained by command "dlog get". proc _run_test {scriptsdir group gridname casefile} { global env # start timer uplevel dchrono _timer reset uplevel dchrono _timer start # enable commands logging; switch to old-style mode if dlog command is not present set dlog_exists 1 if { [catch {dlog reset}] } { set dlog_exists 0 } else { dlog reset dlog on rename puts puts-saved proc puts args { global _tests_verbose # log only output to stdout and stderr, not to file! if {[llength $args] > 1} { set optarg [lindex $args end-1] if { $optarg == "stdout" || $optarg == "stderr" || $optarg == "-newline" } { dlog add [lindex $args end] } } else { dlog add [lindex $args end] } # reproduce original puts if { $_tests_verbose } { eval puts-saved $args } } } # evaluate test case if [catch { uplevel set casename [file tail $casefile] uplevel set groupname $group uplevel set gridname $gridname if { [file exists $scriptsdir/$group/begin] } { puts "Executing $scriptsdir/$group/begin..."; flush stdout uplevel source $scriptsdir/$group/begin } if { [file exists $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/begin] } { puts "Executing $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/begin..."; flush stdout uplevel source $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/begin } puts "Executing $casefile..."; flush stdout uplevel source $casefile if { [file exists $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/end] } { puts "Executing $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/end..."; flush stdout uplevel source $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/end } if { [file exists $scriptsdir/$group/end] } { puts "Executing $scriptsdir/$group/end..."; flush stdout uplevel source $scriptsdir/$group/end } } res] { puts "Tcl Exception: $res" } # stop logging if { $dlog_exists } { rename puts {} rename puts-saved puts dlog off } # stop cpulimit killer if armed by the test cpulimit # add timing info uplevel dchrono _timer stop set time [uplevel dchrono _timer show] if [regexp -nocase {CPU user time:[ \t]*([0-9.e-]+)} $time res cpu] { if { $dlog_exists } { dlog add "TOTAL CPU TIME: $cpu sec" } else { puts "TOTAL CPU TIME: $cpu sec" } } } # Internal procedure to check log of test execution and decide if it passed or failed proc _check_log {dir group gridname casename log {_summary {}} {_html_log {}}} { global env if { $_summary != "" } { upvar $_summary summary } if { $_html_log != "" } { upvar $_html_log html_log } set summary "" set html_log "" if [catch { # load definition of 'bad words' indicating test failure # note that rules are loaded in the order of decreasing priority (grid - group - common), # thus grid rules will override group ones set badwords {} foreach rulesfile [list $dir/$group/$gridname/parse.rules $dir/$group/parse.rules $dir/parse.rules] { if [catch {set fd [open $rulesfile r]}] { continue } while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } { # skip comments and empty lines if { [regexp "\[ \t\]*\#.*" $line] } { continue } if { [string trim $line] == "" } { continue } # extract regexp if { ! [regexp {^([^/]*)/([^/]*)/(.*)$} $line res status rexp comment] } { puts "Warning: cannot recognize parsing rule \"$line\" in file $rulesfile" continue } set status [string trim $status] if { $comment != "" } { set status "$status ([string trim $comment])" } set rexp [regsub -all {\\b} $rexp {\\y}] ;# convert regexp from Perl to Tcl style lappend badwords [list $status $rexp] } close $fd } if { [llength $badwords] <= 0 } { puts "Warning: no definition of error indicators found (check files parse.rules)" } # analyse log line-by-line set todos {} set status "" foreach line [split $log "\n"] { # check if line defines specific treatment of some messages if [regexp -nocase {^[ \t]*TODO ([^:]*):(.*)$} $line res platforms pattern] { if { ! [regexp -nocase {\mAll\M} $platforms] && ! [regexp -nocase "\\m$env(os_type)\\M" $platforms] } { set html_log "$html_log\n$line" continue ;# TODO statement is for another platform } # record TODOs that mark unstable cases if { [regexp {[\?]} $platforms] } { set todos_unstable([llength $todos]) 1 } lappend todos [regsub -all {\\b} [string trim $pattern] {\\y}] ;# convert regexp from Perl to Tcl style set html_log "$html_log\n[_html_highlight BAD $line]" continue } # check for presence of messages indicating test result set ismarked 0 foreach bw $badwords { if { [regexp [lindex $bw 1] $line] } { # check if this is known bad case set is_known 0 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todos]} {incr i} { if { [regexp [lindex $todos $i] $line] } { set is_known 1 incr todo_count($i) set html_log "$html_log\n[_html_highlight BAD $line]" break } } # if it is not in todo, define status if { ! $is_known } { set stat [lindex $bw 0 0] set html_log "$html_log\n[_html_highlight $stat $line]" if { $status == "" && $stat != "OK" && ! [regexp -nocase {^IGNOR} $stat] } { set status [lindex $bw 0] } } set ismarked 1 break } } if { ! $ismarked } { set html_log "$html_log\n$line" } } # check for presence of TEST COMPLETED statement if { $status == "" && ! [regexp {TEST COMPLETED} $log] } { # check whether absence of TEST COMPLETED is known problem set i [lsearch $todos "TEST INCOMPLETE"] if { $i >= 0 } { incr todo_count($i) } else { set status "FAILED (no final message is found)" } } # check declared bad cases and diagnose possible improvement # (bad case declared but not detected). # Note that absence of the problem marked by TODO with question mark # (unstable) is not reported as improvement. if { $status == "" } { for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todos]} {incr i} { if { ! [info exists todos_unstable($i)] && (! [info exists todo_count($i)] || $todo_count($i) <= 0) } { set status "IMPROVEMENT (expected problem TODO no. [expr $i + 1] is not detected)" break; } } } # report test as known bad if at least one of expected problems is found if { $status == "" && [llength [array names todo_count]] > 0 } { set status "BAD (known problem)" } # report normal OK if { $status == "" } {set status "OK" } } res] { set status "FAILED ($res)" } # put final message _log_and_puts summary "CASE $group $gridname $casename: $status" set html_log "[_html_highlight [lindex $status 0] $summary]\n$html_log" } # Auxiliary procedure putting message to both cout and log variable (list) proc _log_and_puts {logvar message} { if { $logvar != "" } { upvar $logvar log if [info exists log] { set log "$log$message\n" } else { set log "$message\n" } } puts $message } # Auxiliary procedure to log result on single test case proc _log_test_case {output logdir dir group grid casename logvar} { upvar $logvar log # check result and make HTML log _check_log $dir $group $grid $casename $output summary html_log set log "$log$summary" # save log to file if { $logdir != "" } { _log_html $logdir/$group/$grid/$casename.html $html_log "Test $group $grid $casename" _log_save $logdir/$group/$grid/$casename.log "$output\n$summary" "Test $group $grid $casename" } } # Auxiliary procedure to save log to file proc _log_save {file log {title {}}} { # create missing directories as needed catch {file mkdir [file dirname $file]} # try to open a file if [catch {set fd [open $file w]} res] { error "Error saving log file $file: $res" } # dump log and close puts $fd "$title\n" puts $fd $log close $fd return } # Auxiliary procedure to save log to file proc _log_html {file log {title {}}} { # create missing directories as needed catch {file mkdir [file dirname $file]} # try to open a file if [catch {set fd [open $file w]} res] { error "Error saving log file $file: $res" } # print header puts $fd "$title


" # add images if present set imgbasename [file rootname [file tail $file]] foreach img [lsort [glob -nocomplain -directory [file dirname $file] -tails ${imgbasename}*.gif ${imgbasename}*.png ${imgbasename}*.jpg]] { puts $fd "

" } # print body, then end and close puts $fd "

    puts $fd $log
    puts $fd "
" close $fd return } # Auxiliary method to make text with HTML highlighting according to status proc _html_color {status} { # choose a color for the cell according to result if { $status == "OK" } { return lightgreen } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^FAIL} $status] } { return red } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^BAD} $status] } { return yellow } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^IMP} $status] } { return orange } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^SKIP} $status] } { return gray } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^IGNOR} $status] } { return gray } else { puts "Warning: no color defined for status $status, using red as if FAILED" return red } } # Format text line in HTML to be colored according to the status proc _html_highlight {status line} { return "
" } # Internal procedure to generate HTML page presenting log of the tests # execution in tabular form, with links to reports on individual cases proc _log_html_summary {logdir log totals regressions improvements total_time} { global _test_case_regexp # create missing directories as needed catch {file mkdir $logdir} # try to open a file and start HTML if [catch {set fd [open $logdir/summary.html w]} res] { error "Error creating log file: $res" } # write HRML header, including command to refresh log if still in progress puts $fd "" puts $fd "Tests summary" if { $total_time == "" } { puts $fd "" } puts $fd "" puts $fd "" # put summary set legend(OK) "Test passed OK" set legend(FAILED) "Test failed (regression)" set legend(BAD) "Known problem" set legend(IMPROVEMENT) "Possible improvement (expected problem not detected)" set legend(SKIPPED) "Test skipped due to lack of data file" puts $fd "


" foreach nbstat $totals { set status [lindex $nbstat 1] if { [info exists legend($status)] } { set comment $legend($status) } else { set comment "User-defined status" } puts $fd "" } puts $fd "
[lindex $nbstat 0]$status$comment
" # time stamp and elapsed time info if { $total_time != "" } { puts $fd "

Generated on [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}] on [info hostname]

$total_time" } else { puts $fd "

NOTE: This is intermediate summary; the tests are still running! This page will refresh automatically until tests are finished." } # print regressions and improvements foreach featured [list $regressions $improvements] { if { [llength $featured] <= 1 } { continue } set status [string trim [lindex $featured 0] { :}] puts $fd "


" puts $fd "" set groupgrid "" foreach test [lrange $featured 1 end] { if { ! [regexp {^(.*)\s+([\w.]+)$} $test res gg name] } { set gg UNKNOWN set name "Error building short list; check details" } if { $gg != $groupgrid } { if { $groupgrid != "" } { puts $fd "" } set groupgrid $gg puts $fd "" } puts $fd "" } if { $groupgrid != "" } { puts $fd "" } puts $fd "
" } # put detailed log puts $fd "


" # process log line-by-line set group {} set letter {} foreach line [lsort -dictionary [split $log "\n"]] { # check that the line is case report in the form "CASE group grid name: result (explanation)" if { ! [regexp $_test_case_regexp $line res grp grd casename result message] } { continue } # start new group if { $grp != $group } { if { $letter != "" } { puts $fd "" } set letter {} set group $grp set grid {} puts $fd "

Group $group

" } # start new grid if { $grd != $grid } { if { $letter != "" } { puts $fd "" } set letter {} set grid $grd puts $fd "

Grid $grid

" } # check if test case name is ; # if not, set alnum to period "." to recognize non-standard test name if { ! [regexp {([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)} $casename res alnum number] } { set alnum . } # start new row when letter changes or for non-standard names if { $alnum != $letter || $alnum == "." } { if { $letter != "" } { puts $fd "" } else { puts $fd "" } set letter $alnum } puts $fd "" } puts $fd "
" # add remaining lines of log as plain text puts $fd "

Plain text messages

    foreach line [split $log "\n"] {
	if { ! [regexp $_test_case_regexp $line] } {
	    puts $fd "$line"
    puts $fd "
" # close file and exit puts $fd "" close $fd return } # Procedure to dump summary logs of tests proc _log_summarize {logdir log {total_time {}}} { # sort log records alphabetically to have the same behavior on Linux and Windows # (also needed if tests are run in parallel) set loglist [lsort -dictionary [split $log "\n"]] # classify test cases by status foreach line $loglist { if { [regexp {^CASE ([^:]*): ([[:alnum:]]+).*$} $line res caseid status] } { lappend stat($status) $caseid } } set totals {} set improvements {Improvements:} set regressions {Failed:} if { [info exists stat] } { foreach status [lsort [array names stat]] { lappend totals [list [llength $stat($status)] $status] # separately count improvements (status starting with IMP) and regressions (all except IMP, OK, BAD, and SKIP) if { [regexp -nocase {^IMP} $status] } { eval lappend improvements $stat($status) } elseif { $status != "OK" && ! [regexp -nocase {^BAD} $status] && ! [regexp -nocase {^SKIP} $status] } { eval lappend regressions $stat($status) } } } # if time is specified, add totals if { $total_time != "" } { if { [llength $improvements] > 1 } { _log_and_puts log [join $improvements "\n "] } if { [llength $regressions] > 1 } { _log_and_puts log [join $regressions "\n "] } if { [llength $improvements] == 1 && [llength $regressions] == 1 } { _log_and_puts log "No regressions" } _log_and_puts log "Total cases: [join $totals {, }]" _log_and_puts log $total_time } # save log to files if { $logdir != "" } { _log_html_summary $logdir $log $totals $regressions $improvements $total_time _log_save $logdir/tests.log $log "Tests summary" } return } # Internal procedure to generate XML log in JUnit style, for further # consumption by Jenkins or similar systems. # # The output is intended to conform to XML schema supported by Jenkins found at # https://svn.jenkins-ci.org/trunk/hudson/dtkit/dtkit-format/dtkit-junit-model/src/main/resources/com/thalesgroup/dtkit/junit/model/xsd/junit-4.xsd # # The mapping of the fields is inspired by annotated schema of Apache Ant JUnit XML format found at # http://windyroad.org/dl/Open%20Source/JUnit.xsd proc _log_xml_summary {logdir filename log include_cout} { global _test_case_regexp catch {file mkdir [file dirname $filename]} # try to open a file and start XML if [catch {set fd [open $filename w]} res] { error "Error creating XML summary file $filename: $res" } puts $fd "" puts $fd "" # prototype for command to generate test suite tag set time_and_host "timestamp=\"[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}]\" hostname=\"[info hostname]\"" set cmd_testsuite {puts $fd "\n$testcases\n\n"} # sort log and process it line-by-line set group {} foreach line [lsort -dictionary [split $log "\n"]] { # check that the line is case report in the form "CASE group grid name: result (explanation)" if { ! [regexp $_test_case_regexp $line res grp grd casename result message] } { continue } set message [string trim $message " \t\r\n()"] # start new testsuite for each grid if { $grp != $group || $grd != $grid } { # write previous test suite if [info exists testcases] { eval $cmd_testsuite } set testcases {} set nbtests 0 set nberr 0 set nbfail 0 set nbskip 0 set time 0. set group $grp set grid $grd } incr nbtests # parse test log and get its CPU time set testout {} set add_cpu {} if { [catch {set fdlog [open $logdir/$group/$grid/${casename}.log r]} ret] } { puts "Error: cannot open $logdir/$group/$grid/${casename}.log: $ret" } else { while { [gets $fdlog logline] >= 0 } { if { $include_cout } { set testout "$testout$logline\n" } if [regexp -nocase {TOTAL CPU TIME:\s*([\d.]+)\s*sec} $logline res cpu] { set add_cpu " time=\"$cpu\"" set time [expr $time + $cpu] } } close $fdlog } if { ! $include_cout } { set testout "$line\n" } # record test case with its output and status # Mapping is: SKIPPED, BAD, and OK to OK, all other to failure set testcases "$testcases\n \n" set testcases "$testcases\n \n$testout " if { $result != "OK" } { if { [regexp -nocase {^SKIP} $result] } { incr nberr set testcases "$testcases\n " } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^BAD} $result] } { incr nbskip set testcases "$testcases\n $message" } else { incr nbfail set testcases "$testcases\n " } } set testcases "$testcases\n " } # write last test suite if [info exists testcases] { eval $cmd_testsuite } # the end puts $fd "" close $fd return } # define custom platform name proc _tests_platform_def {} { global env tcl_platform if [info exists env(os_type)] { return } set env(os_type) $tcl_platform(platform) # use detailed mapping for various versions of Lunix # (note that mapping is rather non-uniform, for historical reasons) if { $env(os_type) == "unix" && ! [catch {exec cat /etc/issue} issue] } { if { [regexp {Mandriva[ \tA-Za-z]+([0-9]+)} $issue res num] } { set env(os_type) Mandriva$num } elseif { [regexp {Red Hat[ \tA-Za-z]+([0-9]+)} $issue res num] } { set env(os_type) RedHat$num } elseif { [regexp {Debian[ \tA-Za-z/]+([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)} $issue res num subnum] } { set env(os_type) Debian$num$subnum } elseif { [regexp {CentOS[ \tA-Za-z]+([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)} $issue res num subnum] } { set env(os_type) CentOS$num$subnum } elseif { [regexp {Scientific[ \tA-Za-z]+([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)} $issue res num subnum] } { set env(os_type) SL$num$subnum } elseif { [regexp {Fedora Core[ \tA-Za-z]+([0-9]+)} $issue res num] } { set env(os_type) FedoraCore$num } if { [exec uname -m] == "x86_64" } { set env(os_type) "$env(os_type)-64" } } } _tests_platform_def # Auxiliary procedure to split path specification (usually defined by # environment variable) into list of directories or files proc _split_path {pathspec} { global tcl_platform # first replace all \ (which might occur on Windows) by / regsub -all "\\\\" $pathspec "/" pathspec # split path by platform-specific separator return [split $pathspec [_path_separator]] } # Auxiliary procedure to define platform-specific separator for directories in # path specification proc _path_separator {} { global tcl_platform # split path by platform-specific separator if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" } { return ";" } else { return ":" } } # Procedure to locate data file for test given its name. # The search is performed assuming that the function is called # from the test case script; the search order is: # - directory where test script is located # - directories ../data and ../../data from the script dir # - subdirectories / and of directories listed in # environment variable CSF_TestDataPath # If file is not found, raises Tcl error. proc locate_data_file {filename} { global env groupname gridname casename set scriptfile [info script] if { $scriptfile == "" } { error "Error: This procedure (locate_data_file) is for use only in test scripts!" } # check sub-directories data of the test case grid directory # the current test case in paths indicated by CSF_TestScriptsPath if { [info exists groupname] && [info exists gridname] && [info exists env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] } { foreach dir [_split_path $env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] { if { [file exists $dir/$groupname/$gridname/data/$filename] } { return [file normalize $dir/$groupname/$gridname/data/$filename] } if { [file exists $dir/$groupname/data/$filename] } { return [file normalize $dir/$groupname/data/$filename] } } } # check sub-directories corresponding to group and grid of # the current test case in paths indicated by CSF_TestDataPath if { [info exists groupname] && [info exists env(CSF_TestDataPath)] } { foreach dir [_split_path $env(CSF_TestDataPath)] { if { [info exists gridname] && [file exists $dir/$groupname/$gridname/$filename] } { return [file normalize $dir/$groupname/$gridname/$filename] } if { [file exists $dir/$groupname/$filename] } { return [file normalize $dir/$groupname/$filename] } } } # check datadir if { [file exists [uplevel datadir]/$filename] } { return [uplevel datadir]/$filename } # raise error error [join [list "Error: file $filename could not be found neither in script" \ "directories nor in paths indicated by CSF_TestDataPath environment variable"] "\n"] }