// OCC_3dView.cpp: implementation of the OCC_3dView class. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "OCC_3dView.h" #include "OCC_App.h" #include "OCC_3dBaseDoc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define ValZWMin 1 IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(OCC_3dView, CView) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(OCC_3dView, CView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(OCC_3dView) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONAxo, OnBUTTONAxo) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONBack, OnBUTTONBack) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONBottom, OnBUTTONBottom) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONFront, OnBUTTONFront) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONHlrOff, OnBUTTONHlrOff) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONHlrOn, OnBUTTONHlrOn) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONLeft, OnBUTTONLeft) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONPan, OnBUTTONPan) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONPanGlo, OnBUTTONPanGlo) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONReset, OnBUTTONReset) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONRight, OnBUTTONRight) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONRot, OnBUTTONRot) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONTop, OnBUTTONTop) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONZoomAll, OnBUTTONZoomAll) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTON_STEREOCONFIG, OnStereoConfigButton) ON_WM_SIZE() ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_EXPORT_IMAGE, OnFileExportImage) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONZoomProg, OnBUTTONZoomProg) ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTONZoomWin, OnBUTTONZoomWin) ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_MBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_MBUTTONUP() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_RBUTTONUP() ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_BUTTONHlrOff, OnUpdateBUTTONHlrOff) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_BUTTONHlrOn, OnUpdateBUTTONHlrOn) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_BUTTONPanGlo, OnUpdateBUTTONPanGlo) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_BUTTONPan, OnUpdateBUTTONPan) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_BUTTONZoomProg, OnUpdateBUTTONZoomProg) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_BUTTONZoomWin, OnUpdateBUTTONZoomWin) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_BUTTONRot, OnUpdateBUTTONRot) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_BUTTON_STEREOCONFIG, OnUpdateStereoConfigButton) ON_COMMAND(ID_Modify_ChangeBackground , OnModifyChangeBackground) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OCC_3dView construction/destruction OCC_3dView::OCC_3dView() : myCurrentMode (CurAction3d_Nothing), myXmin (0), myYmin (0), myXmax (0), myYmax (0), myCurZoom (0.0), myWidth (0), myHeight (0), myHlrModeIsOn (Standard_False), m_Pen (NULL) { // TODO: add construction code here } OCC_3dView::~OCC_3dView() { if (myView.IsNull()) { myView->Remove(); } delete m_pStereoDlg; delete m_Pen; } BOOL OCC_3dView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying // the CREATESTRUCT cs return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OCC_3dView drawing void OCC_3dView::OnInitialUpdate() { CView::OnInitialUpdate(); myView = GetDocument()->GetViewer()->CreateView(); // store for restore state after rotation (which is in Degenerated mode) myHlrModeIsOn = Standard_False; myView->SetComputedMode (myHlrModeIsOn); Handle(OpenGl_GraphicDriver) aDriver = Handle(OpenGl_GraphicDriver)::DownCast (((OCC_App*)AfxGetApp())->GetGraphicDriver()); Handle(WNT_Window) aWNTWindow = new WNT_Window(GetSafeHwnd()); myView->SetWindow(aWNTWindow); myView->Camera()->SetProjectionType (aDriver->Options().contextStereo ? Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Stereo : Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Orthographic); if (!aWNTWindow->IsMapped()) { aWNTWindow->Map(); } // store the mode ( nothing , dynamic zooming, dynamic ... ) myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_Nothing; m_pStereoDlg = new OCC_StereoConfigDlg (this); m_pStereoDlg->SetView (myView); m_pStereoDlg->Create (IDD_DIALOG_STEREO, this); } void OCC_3dView::OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/) { CRect aRect; GetWindowRect(aRect); if(myWidth != aRect.Width() || myHeight != aRect.Height()) { myWidth = aRect.Width(); myHeight = aRect.Height(); ::PostMessage ( GetSafeHwnd () , WM_SIZE , SW_SHOW , myWidth + myHeight*65536 ); } myView->Redraw(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OCC_3dView diagnostics #ifdef _DEBUG void OCC_3dView::AssertValid() const { CView::AssertValid(); } void OCC_3dView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CView::Dump(dc); } OCC_3dDoc* OCC_3dView::GetDocument() // non-debug version is inline { // ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(OCC_3dBaseDoc))); return (OCC_3dDoc*)m_pDocument; } #endif //_DEBUG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OCC_3dView message handlers void OCC_3dView::OnFileExportImage() { GetDocument()->ExportView (myView); } void OCC_3dView::OnSize(UINT /*nType*/, int /*cx*/, int /*cy*/) { if (!myView.IsNull()) myView->MustBeResized(); } // See the back View void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONBack() { myView->SetProj(V3d_Xneg); } // See the front View void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONFront() { myView->SetProj(V3d_Xpos); } // See the bottom View void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONBottom() { myView->SetProj(V3d_Zneg); } // See the top View void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONTop() { myView->SetProj(V3d_Zpos); } // See the left View void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONLeft() { myView->SetProj(V3d_Ypos); } // See the right View void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONRight() { myView->SetProj(V3d_Yneg); } // See the axonometric View void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONAxo() { myView->SetProj(V3d_XposYnegZpos); } void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONHlrOff() { myHlrModeIsOn = Standard_False; myView->SetComputedMode (myHlrModeIsOn); } void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONHlrOn() { SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_WAIT)); myHlrModeIsOn = Standard_True; myView->SetComputedMode (myHlrModeIsOn); SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW)); } void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONPan() { myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_DynamicPanning; } void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONPanGlo() { // save the current zoom value myCurZoom = myView->Scale(); // Do a Global Zoom //myView->FitAll(); // Set the mode myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_GlobalPanning; } void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONReset() { myView->Reset(); } void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONRot() { myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_DynamicRotation; } void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONZoomAll() { myView->FitAll(); myView->ZFitAll(); } void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONZoomProg() { myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_DynamicZooming; } void OCC_3dView::OnBUTTONZoomWin() { myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_WindowZooming; } void OCC_3dView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // save the current mouse coordinate in min myXmin=point.x; myYmin=point.y; myXmax=point.x; myYmax=point.y; if ( nFlags & MK_CONTROL ) { // Button MB1 down Control :start zomming // SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor()); } else // if ( Ctrl ) { switch (myCurrentMode) { case CurAction3d_Nothing : // start a drag if (nFlags & MK_SHIFT) GetDocument()->ShiftDragEvent(myXmax,myYmax,-1,myView); else GetDocument()->DragEvent(myXmax,myYmax,-1,myView); break; break; case CurAction3d_DynamicZooming : // noting break; case CurAction3d_WindowZooming : // noting break; case CurAction3d_DynamicPanning :// noting break; case CurAction3d_GlobalPanning :// noting break; case CurAction3d_DynamicRotation : if (myHlrModeIsOn) { myView->SetComputedMode (Standard_False); } myView->StartRotation(point.x,point.y); break; default : Standard_Failure::Raise(" incompatible Current Mode "); break; } } } void OCC_3dView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if ( nFlags & MK_CONTROL ) { return; } else // if ( Ctrl ) { switch (myCurrentMode) { case CurAction3d_Nothing : if (point.x == myXmin && point.y == myYmin) { // no offset between down and up --> selectEvent myXmax=point.x; myYmax=point.y; if (nFlags & MK_SHIFT ) GetDocument()->ShiftInputEvent(point.x,point.y,myView); else GetDocument()->InputEvent (point.x,point.y,myView); } else { myXmax=point.x; myYmax=point.y; DrawRectangle(myXmin,myYmin,myXmax,myYmax,Standard_False); if (nFlags & MK_SHIFT) GetDocument()->ShiftDragEvent(point.x,point.y,1,myView); else GetDocument()->DragEvent(point.x,point.y,1,myView); } break; case CurAction3d_DynamicZooming : myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_Nothing; break; case CurAction3d_WindowZooming : myXmax=point.x; myYmax=point.y; DrawRectangle(myXmin,myYmin,myXmax,myYmax,Standard_False); if ((abs(myXmin-myXmax)>ValZWMin) || (abs(myYmin-myYmax)>ValZWMin)) // Test if the zoom window is greater than a minimale window. { // Do the zoom window between Pmin and Pmax myView->WindowFitAll(myXmin,myYmin,myXmax,myYmax); } myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_Nothing; break; case CurAction3d_DynamicPanning : myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_Nothing; break; case CurAction3d_GlobalPanning : myView->Place(point.x,point.y,myCurZoom); myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_Nothing; break; case CurAction3d_DynamicRotation : myCurrentMode = CurAction3d_Nothing; if (myHlrModeIsOn) { CWaitCursor aWaitCursor; myView->SetComputedMode (myHlrModeIsOn); } else { myView->SetComputedMode (myHlrModeIsOn); } break; default : Standard_Failure::Raise(" incompatible Current Mode "); break; } //switch (myCurrentMode) } // else // if ( Ctrl ) } void OCC_3dView::OnMButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint /*point*/) { if ( nFlags & MK_CONTROL ) { // Button MB2 down Control : panning init // SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor()); } } void OCC_3dView::OnMButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint /*point*/) { if ( nFlags & MK_CONTROL ) { // Button MB2 down Control : panning init // SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor()); } } void OCC_3dView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if ( nFlags & MK_CONTROL ) { if (myHlrModeIsOn) { myView->SetComputedMode (Standard_False); } myView->StartRotation(point.x,point.y); } else // if ( Ctrl ) { GetDocument()->Popup(point.x,point.y,myView); } } void OCC_3dView::OnRButtonUp(UINT /*nFlags*/, CPoint /*point*/) { SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_WAIT)); myView->SetComputedMode (myHlrModeIsOn); SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW)); } void OCC_3dView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // ============================ LEFT BUTTON ======================= if ( nFlags & MK_LBUTTON) { if ( nFlags & MK_CONTROL ) { // move with MB1 and Control : on the dynamic zooming // Do the zoom in function of mouse's coordinates myView->Zoom(myXmax,myYmax,point.x,point.y); // save the current mouse coordinate in min myXmax = point.x; myYmax = point.y; } else // if ( Ctrl ) { switch (myCurrentMode) { case CurAction3d_Nothing : DrawRectangle(myXmin,myYmin,myXmax,myYmax,Standard_False); myXmax = point.x; myYmax = point.y; if (nFlags & MK_SHIFT) GetDocument()->ShiftDragEvent(myXmax,myYmax,0,myView); else GetDocument()->DragEvent(myXmax,myYmax,0,myView); DrawRectangle(myXmin,myYmin,myXmax,myYmax,Standard_True); break; case CurAction3d_DynamicZooming : myView->Zoom(myXmax,myYmax,point.x,point.y); // save the current mouse coordinate in min \n"; myXmax=point.x; myYmax=point.y; break; case CurAction3d_WindowZooming : myXmax = point.x; myYmax = point.y; DrawRectangle(myXmin,myYmin,myXmax,myYmax,Standard_False,LongDash); DrawRectangle(myXmin,myYmin,myXmax,myYmax,Standard_True,LongDash); break; case CurAction3d_DynamicPanning : myView->Pan(point.x-myXmax,myYmax-point.y); // Realize the panning myXmax = point.x; myYmax = point.y; break; case CurAction3d_GlobalPanning : // nothing break; case CurAction3d_DynamicRotation : myView->Rotation(point.x,point.y); myView->Redraw(); break; default : Standard_Failure::Raise(" incompatible Current Mode "); break; }// switch (myCurrentMode) }// if ( nFlags & MK_CONTROL ) else } else if ( nFlags & MK_MBUTTON) { if ( nFlags & MK_CONTROL ) { myView->Pan(point.x-myXmax,myYmax-point.y); // Realize the panning myXmax = point.x; myYmax = point.y; } } else if ( nFlags & MK_RBUTTON) { if ( nFlags & MK_CONTROL ) { myView->Rotation(point.x,point.y); } } else { // No buttons myXmax = point.x; myYmax = point.y; if (nFlags & MK_SHIFT) GetDocument()->ShiftMoveEvent(point.x,point.y,myView); else GetDocument()->MoveEvent(point.x,point.y,myView); } } void OCC_3dView::DrawRectangle(const Standard_Integer MinX , const Standard_Integer MinY , const Standard_Integer MaxX , const Standard_Integer MaxY , const Standard_Boolean Draw , const LineStyle aLineStyle) { static int m_DrawMode; if (!m_Pen && aLineStyle ==Solid ) {m_Pen = new CPen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0,0,0)); m_DrawMode = R2_MERGEPENNOT;} else if (!m_Pen && aLineStyle ==Dot ) {m_Pen = new CPen(PS_DOT, 1, RGB(0,0,0)); m_DrawMode = R2_XORPEN;} else if (!m_Pen && aLineStyle == ShortDash) {m_Pen = new CPen(PS_DASH, 1, RGB(255,0,0)); m_DrawMode = R2_XORPEN;} else if (!m_Pen && aLineStyle == LongDash) {m_Pen = new CPen(PS_DASH, 1, RGB(0,0,0)); m_DrawMode = R2_NOTXORPEN;} else if (aLineStyle == Default) { m_Pen = NULL; m_DrawMode = R2_MERGEPENNOT;} CPen* aOldPen = NULL; CClientDC clientDC(this); if (m_Pen) aOldPen = clientDC.SelectObject(m_Pen); clientDC.SetROP2(m_DrawMode); static Standard_Integer StoredMinX, StoredMaxX, StoredMinY, StoredMaxY; static Standard_Boolean m_IsVisible; if ( m_IsVisible && !Draw) // move or up : erase at the old position { clientDC.MoveTo(StoredMinX,StoredMinY); clientDC.LineTo(StoredMinX,StoredMaxY); clientDC.LineTo(StoredMaxX,StoredMaxY); clientDC.LineTo(StoredMaxX,StoredMinY); clientDC.LineTo(StoredMinX,StoredMinY); m_IsVisible = false; } StoredMinX = Min ( MinX, MaxX ); StoredMinY = Min ( MinY, MaxY ); StoredMaxX = Max ( MinX, MaxX ); StoredMaxY = Max ( MinY, MaxY); if (Draw) // move : draw { clientDC.MoveTo(StoredMinX,StoredMinY); clientDC.LineTo(StoredMinX,StoredMaxY); clientDC.LineTo(StoredMaxX,StoredMaxY); clientDC.LineTo(StoredMaxX,StoredMinY); clientDC.LineTo(StoredMinX,StoredMinY); m_IsVisible = true; } if (m_Pen) clientDC.SelectObject(aOldPen); } void OCC_3dView::OnUpdateBUTTONHlrOff(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck (!myHlrModeIsOn); pCmdUI->Enable (myHlrModeIsOn); } void OCC_3dView::OnUpdateBUTTONHlrOn(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck (myHlrModeIsOn); pCmdUI->Enable (!myHlrModeIsOn); } void OCC_3dView::OnUpdateBUTTONPanGlo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck (myCurrentMode == CurAction3d_GlobalPanning); pCmdUI->Enable (myCurrentMode != CurAction3d_GlobalPanning); } void OCC_3dView::OnUpdateBUTTONPan(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck (myCurrentMode == CurAction3d_DynamicPanning); pCmdUI->Enable (myCurrentMode != CurAction3d_DynamicPanning ); } void OCC_3dView::OnUpdateBUTTONZoomProg(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck (myCurrentMode == CurAction3d_DynamicZooming ); pCmdUI->Enable (myCurrentMode != CurAction3d_DynamicZooming); } void OCC_3dView::OnUpdateBUTTONZoomWin(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck (myCurrentMode == CurAction3d_WindowZooming); pCmdUI->Enable (myCurrentMode != CurAction3d_WindowZooming); } void OCC_3dView::OnUpdateBUTTONRot(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck (myCurrentMode == CurAction3d_DynamicRotation); pCmdUI->Enable (myCurrentMode != CurAction3d_DynamicRotation); } void OCC_3dView::OnModifyChangeBackground() { Standard_Real R1; Standard_Real G1; Standard_Real B1; myView->BackgroundColor(Quantity_TOC_RGB,R1,G1,B1); COLORREF m_clr ; m_clr = RGB(R1*255,G1*255,B1*255); CColorDialog dlgColor(m_clr); if (dlgColor.DoModal() == IDOK) { m_clr = dlgColor.GetColor(); R1 = GetRValue(m_clr)/255.; G1 = GetGValue(m_clr)/255.; B1 = GetBValue(m_clr)/255.; myView->SetBackgroundColor(Quantity_TOC_RGB,R1,G1,B1); } myView->Redraw(); } //============================================================================= // function: OnStereoConfigButton // purpose: Open stereographic configuration dialog //============================================================================= void OCC_3dView::OnStereoConfigButton() { m_pStereoDlg->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW); } //============================================================================= // function: OnUpdateStereoConfigButton // purpose: Enable / disable state of stereo configuration button //============================================================================= void OCC_3dView::OnUpdateStereoConfigButton (CCmdUI* theCmdUI) { // get camera Handle(Graphic3d_Camera) aCamera = myView->Camera(); // check that button is enabled Standard_Boolean isEnabled = !aCamera.IsNull() && aCamera->IsStereo(); // update toggle state theCmdUI->Enable (isEnabled); if (!isEnabled) { m_pStereoDlg->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE); } }