// Copyright (C) 1991,1995 by // // MATRA DATAVISION, FRANCE // // This software is furnished in accordance with the terms and conditions // of the contract and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. // This software or any other copy thereof may not be provided or otherwise // be made available to any other person. No title to an ownership of the // software is hereby transferred. // // At the termination of the contract, the software and all copies of this // software must be deleted. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_1Create_11 (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* theret = new Aspect_WidthMapEntry(); jcas_SetHandle(env,theobj,theret); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_1Create_12 (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj, jint index, jint style) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* theret = new Aspect_WidthMapEntry((Standard_Integer) index,(Aspect_WidthOfLine) style); jcas_SetHandle(env,theobj,theret); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_1Create_13 (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj, jint index, jdouble width) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* theret = new Aspect_WidthMapEntry((Standard_Integer) index,(Quantity_Length) width); jcas_SetHandle(env,theobj,theret); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_1Create_14 (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj, jobject entry) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_entry = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,entry); Aspect_WidthMapEntry* theret = new Aspect_WidthMapEntry(*the_entry); jcas_SetHandle(env,theobj,theret); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_1SetValue_11 (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj, jint index, jint style) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); the_this->SetValue((Standard_Integer) index,(Aspect_WidthOfLine) style); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_1SetValue_12 (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj, jint index, jdouble width) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); the_this->SetValue((Standard_Integer) index,(Quantity_Length) width); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_1SetValue_13 (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj, jobject entry) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_entry = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,entry); Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); the_this->SetValue(*the_entry); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_SetIndex (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj, jint index) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); the_this->SetIndex((Standard_Integer) index); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_SetType (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj, jint Style) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); the_this->SetType((Aspect_WidthOfLine) Style); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_SetWidth (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj, jdouble Width) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); the_this->SetWidth((Quantity_Length) Width); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Type (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj) { jint thejret; jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); thejret = the_this->Type(); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); return thejret; } JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Width (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj) { jdouble thejret; jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); thejret = the_this->Width(); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); return thejret; } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Index (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj) { jint thejret; jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); thejret = the_this->Index(); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); return thejret; } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Free (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); the_this->Free(); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_IsAllocated (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj) { jboolean thejret; jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); thejret = the_this->IsAllocated(); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); return thejret; } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_Dump (JNIEnv *env, jobject theobj) { jcas_Locking alock(env); { try { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* the_this = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) jcas_GetHandle(env,theobj); the_this->Dump(); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Standard_SStream Err; Err << Standard_Failure::Caught(); Err << (char) 0; jcas_ThrowException(env,GetSString(Err)); } } alock.Release(); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_CASCADESamplesJni_Aspect_1WidthMapEntry_FinalizeValue(JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong theid) { if (theid) { Aspect_WidthMapEntry* theobj = (Aspect_WidthMapEntry*) theid; delete theobj; } } }